Nonexistence - The Punishment of Myrrha


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Nonexistence – The Punishment of Myrrha
Self-Released – 2005
By Jason Jordan


At first I was dumbfounded by the arrival of Nonexistence’s The Punishment of Myrrha, because I’m not used to receiving packages from Seattle, WA from people I don’t know. Upon further contemplation, though, I think I remember sending them my contact information. Oh well, after listening to the mud-encrusted riffs and galloping double-bass – thickened by a thundering production – my wonderment just naturally faded away.

Nonexistence formed in 2001, and have been peddling this brand of death metal for the past few years, and perhaps what conspicuously separates them from other artists is their guitarist, namely Amy Taggart (Tasty Gore). Even in this day in age, a female member of a band who doesn’t sing or play bass is practically unheard of. Frankly, there ain’t much to say about The Punishment of Myrrha, however, since it’s so brief. “Disintegrate,” “Incoherence,” and “Doomsday Machine” are all quick ones, compiling to produce only a mere 11 minutes. I detect some NYDM and deathcore (Despised Icon), but there is an uncanny seamlessness to these tracks no matter who these people mirror specifically. Also notable is the stellar production – fits the album like a glove. While Nonexistence don’t necessarily stand out from their peers as far as pure skill is concerned, all the instruments are played well, meshing with little to no abrasion. The guitars have a proclivity for exploring the high end of the spectrum, which increases the tension, and the growls/screams have been cooked to perfection. Well, they aren’t perfect, but they are tasty nonetheless.

Understandably, this quintet have swallowed a lot of death metal over the years, and regurgitated some of their influences on this demo. Like Vore, this troop deserves more attention than they’ve received, but an interested label may want to hear more from them before penning a contract. You, on the other hand, don’t have to worry about all that shit because The Punishment of Myrrha is available for order. I can’t think of a better way to spend $3. Oh, beer? Yeah, you got me there.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Nonexistence Website