Noob attempt, advise/direction welcome


Jul 1, 2010
Cork, Ireland

I'm new to this tracking/mixing lark and would appreciate your help.

I've been lurking on here and watching uTube vibs to get me started but could use help getting the rest of the way.

This is two guitars panned left and right. SM57 just off the cloth and about 2 inches from the centre.

Bass is my guitar pitch shifted down in ProTools. I know :rolleyes:

Drums are BFD lite, I'm new to MIDI programming/editing/loops and all that business too.

Comments/critisms/suggestions etc. would be greatly appreciated. 12 th test.mp3

Thanks in advance,
i think it sounds great man, nice tone. what amp you using? also, drums might need turned up a bit, sound a bit fake too. haha i know they are fake.. but you know, they defo sound it
Hey man,

Thanks for your comments.
Yup, I was worried about the drums. BFD Lite only allows one stereo channel so anything you do gets done to all parts of the kit. Was walking the line between being loud enough while being obviously fake or going for a bit lower but maybe getting away with it.
I'm thinking of getting EZ Drummer + DFH. Is that a good option?

The amp is one I designed and built myself. It started out out kinda like a SLO and then deviated quite a bit as I tweaked it.