
Str8edge420 said:
HEy everybody. Im new to the boards and fairly new to metal itself. Ive only been a true metal head for about two years now and I have never looked back. MY favorite bands are MEtallica, P.O.D., Creed, and Korn. My tastes run the gammit (SP?) Just thought I'd say hi. :rock:

You've only been a true metal head for two years?

After looking at your favorite bands it doesn't seem to me like you are a true metal head.

Unless you are talking about older Metallica every single one of those bands you mentioned are nu-metal. Nu-metal is about as far as you can get from "true metal" and is some of the worst music ever created.

If you want to talk about these kinds of bands on this forum people will get pissed off pretty easily.
A. of course I meant old Metallica.
B. I only listed those because It represents most of my tastes. I enjoy a lot of the old school metal stuff. Ozzy, Metallica, KISS stuff like that. Yes KISS is a little softer tha the other 2 but I still like them. One of the newer bands Ive actualy gotten into is Demon Hunter. Anyone ever heard of them?
Str8edge420 said:
A. of course I meant old Metallica.
B. I only listed those because It represents most of my tastes. I enjoy a lot of the old school metal stuff. Ozzy, Metallica, KISS stuff like that. Yes KISS is a little softer tha the other 2 but I still like them. One of the newer bands Ive actualy gotten into is Demon Hunter. Anyone ever heard of them?

Need to get you into better bands.. the old school stuff like Ozzy , Metallica (kill em all, ride and Master) etc.. are good and all but you need to listen to some new stuff also .. dont get me wrong im a old school fanatic since i grew up in that era but in the last year i been getting into more recent or new bands from the 90's on.. let us know what sub genre of metal you might be curious to listen and we can make recommendations... also you might want to try old school thrash if you like Metallica... try these bands (i can recommend some albums if interested):

Sacred Reich
Death Angel
Nuclear Assault
Dark Angel
Thanks. It always heelps when people suggest bands because I rarely know where to look to see what's out there. As far as newer stuff, I've recently bought some samplers and found some good stuff, stuff like Demon Hunter, Norma Jean, Anberlin. I've also been a big fan of Project 86 for a long time. Just curious if anyone has heard of any of them. There are certain bands (Slayer, Manson etc.) that I just can't get into because I really can't dig the whole Satanic thing. It seems to be the go to subject to prove your metalness. It's sad really. Christian bands are considered wussy when a lot of them kick some serious ass.
Okay, it;s time for a rant. If I actually start posting a lot you'll get used to these... here goes. I am so sick of everyone wanting to label anything. "This is Nu MEtal and this is death metal blah blah blah." People who feel the need to label everything aren't in love with the music, they're in love with the label itself. IT pisses me off.
Str8edge420 said:
Thanks. It always heelps when people suggest bands because I rarely know where to look to see what's out there. As far as newer stuff, I've recently bought some samplers and found some good stuff, stuff like Demon Hunter, Norma Jean, Anberlin. I've also been a big fan of Project 86 for a long time. Just curious if anyone has heard of any of them. There are certain bands (Slayer, Manson etc.) that I just can't get into because I really can't dig the whole Satanic thing. It seems to be the go to subject to prove your metalness. It's sad really. Christian bands are considered wussy when a lot of them kick some serious ass.
Okay, it;s time for a rant. If I actually start posting a lot you'll get used to these... here goes. I am so sick of everyone wanting to label anything. "This is Nu MEtal and this is death metal blah blah blah." People who feel the need to label everything aren't in love with the music, they're in love with the label itself. IT pisses me off.

As for Slayer and bands with Satanic themes... they mostly do it for the shock value and as a gimmick.. if you are taking what they sing about then you are taking it and life too serious... after all what do you listen to the most? Lyrics or the music itself... ? for Slayer try South of Heaven and Seasons in the Abyss album since you dont seem to be in the very heavier stuff.. those albums are good for the ears over other slayer albums though Reign in Blood is probably my fave album... as for Christian bands... Christianity annoys me (no im not a satanist) so you putting down one type of band like Slayer for their religious themes but praising another type of band is one in the same.. .listen to it for the music who cares about the message... and as for music getting labelled.. it helps us differeniate which bands music we like over others and it helps us to recommend bands to people like you who have no clue what to get... so you have to get used to labels because someday you will recommend bands to some noob... and also if it pisses you off you will not survive much in this Community Board... because you will get into nothing but fights over it.. other then that so called Nu Metal does suck though lol ... :tickled:
Okay, let me clarify, I would never like or dislike a band just because of their religious message. There are a lot of christian bands I can;t stand, and some "satanic" bands that I enjoy some of their non satanic stuff. The lyrics are a very big part of music for me. The lyrics are just as important, if not more so, than the music itself. Some people have different opinions, that's mine. I can connect with a band much easier if they're lyrics reflect my way of thinking. Thanxs for the suggestions though. I will look into them. I'm always looking for new bands.
Str8edge420 said:
HEy everybody. Im new to the boards and fairly new to metal itself. Ive only been a true metal head for about two years now and I have never looked back. MY favorite bands are MEtallica, P.O.D., Creed, and Korn. My tastes run the gammit (SP?) Just thought I'd say hi. :rock:

Creed? and your listening to green day? Thats cool if you like them, but they aren't too metal