NooooOoOoO!!! It didn't arrive!!!!! ARGGHHHles


-scented manbeef-
May 9, 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Omega Securicor Express were meant to deliver it this morning but they DIDN"T!!!! ARGGH! I got my discman stolen last week when I was moving out of my unarvarsartar room and i've been without music ever since!!!! ARGGGGGGGHHHHHH I'm living at my sister's y'see and cuz we've got touchy neighbours, thin walls, and tiny stereos, I can't listen to ma MUSIC! ARGGGGHHHHH. I''ve got THIS baby on order but now i'll have to wait till tomorrow!!!! FUCKKKKKKKKK


<LI>The world' s smallest, thinnest and lightest all-metal body.
<LI>The first CD Walkman to run on a single battery
<LI>Up to approximately 63 hours of continuous playback
<LI>Jog levers (on the player and remote control) for easy, comfortable operation
<LI>Bookmark function lets you tag and playback only the songs you want to hear
<LI>CD-TEXT-capable stick remote control with EL backlit LCD
<LI>Newly designed recharging stand
<LI>G-PORTECTION with an shock-resistant pick-up to suppress skipping
<LI>CD-R/RW compatible
<LI>MD Link function

Pretty cool huh? I've been wanting to get a top of the line on for a year or so now. But still, ITS NOT HERE!!! *cries* feel my sorrow people. I got Skyfire Mind Revolution, Malevolent Creation Envenomed, Avulsed Yearning For The Grotesque, Circle of Dead Children Human Harvest, Soulless Agony's Lament, Sepsism To Prevail In Disgust, Cynic Focus and Abruptum In Umbra Malitiae Umbulabo In Ueternum In Triumpho Tenebraum at the weekend and I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO LISTEN TO ANY OF THEM!!!!!!!