Nordic Wind (Desire of She)


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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I may be the only one here tonight
A steady quietness to stir up fright
But there is a moon ahead to signify
The begining to an endless cry
No one heard it just yet
Unaware a soul is to pay the debt
When it all comes down soundless
Appearing as a murder to the west
She did hate her written voice
Despised her pre-decided choice
But on she waded through despite
The freezing rain and eternal night
All things come to an end sometime
But when? How many dare the bell chime?
This bell of fate to bring upon us
The fall of ash to ash, dust to dust
When memories are swept underneath
And swords rust shut within their sheath
Then there she lives out a lost realm
The only place where she is at the helm
Mysterious world inward of her
And as she shakes everything shall falter
She cries out, her world in floods
Then as the waters recede, arise the spring buds
Desire to empower my own cause
Fight on to the very edge of Death's jaws
Self-inflicted cancellation fornevermore
Forever she fights onward on the path of glore
yea I know this wasn't my best work, and rhyming isn't a very strong point of mine tho I do have my moments. Thanks for the comments you guys.