North Korea's bullshit

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Kim Jong Ill (Lil' Kim), the leader of North Korea has recently stated that President Bush lacks an elementary education, is a facist tyrant, and is unable to face reality. I think it's bullshit. This motherfucker thinks that he can throw his weight around, and fuck with the big boys? We caught Saddam, and we can get Kim Jong Ill! Does this asshole really want a piece America? If North Korea keeps this shit up, I have a feeling that Lil' Kim, and his mis-shaped head will be sorry. Kim Jong Ill should stop talking about Bush and take a look in the mirror, and realize that he is everything he calles Bush!
That faggot has nukes that can reach Calif and he has already threatened
to use them agaisnt us if we put any sanctions on N. Korea.

As much as I back the President with whatever he does, I really do think it's
time to give Iraq back to the sand monkeys and concentrate on these guys.
(We know what Iraq has....We think we know what N. Korea has)
Because as the years roll by these gooks are going to become a VERY BIG
problem....Especially if we end up with another defense hating,military cutting,
gun banning piece of shit democrat in the White House:ill: :cry:

It's enough to make me nervous!!!

Cryptkeeper said:
Kim Jong Ill (Lil' Kim), the leader of North Korea has recently stated that President Bush lacks an elementary education, is a facist tyrant, and is unable to face reality. I think it's bullshit. This motherfucker thinks that he can throw his weight around, and fuck with the big boys? We caught Saddam, and we can get Kim Jong Ill! Does this asshole really want a piece America? If North Korea keeps this shit up, I have a feeling that Lil' Kim, and his mis-shaped head will be sorry. Kim Jong Ill should stop talking about Bush and take a look in the mirror, and realize that he is everything he calles Bush!
No doubt.Iraq is fucking done. Afganistan should be done with.Time to worry about the slopes,slants or dogeaters.I can't think of a good racist description for these rice eaters.They are definietely a big time threat.
bobo'c said:
No doubt.Iraq is fucking done. Afganistan should be done with.Time to worry about the slopes,slants or dogeaters.I can't think of a good racist description for these rice eaters.They are definietely a big time threat.

Sorry Bobo but we never finished what should have been started with Afghanistan, the real war should be taking place over there as we speak(well it still kinda is but not like Iraq). Saddam should have been about our fourth focus on the real enemys list. If we were to start shit with any country it should have been like this

1.) Afghanistan-(actually those fuckers started it, we just need to finish it) blow the mountains to rubble and chop Bin Laden's head off and put it on a fucking stick for our next Superbowl Halftime.
2.) Infilitrate and destroy North Korea and capture Lil Kim and put him on one of those medieval human stretchers, maybe the little midget will be taller then Gary Coleman before he dies.
3.) Saudi Arabia- Those motherfuckers are just backstabbing jawas that just about all of the terrorists that are responsible for 9/11 came from and I know that they are probably still harboring more there.
4.) Iraq- Fuck the WMD's, Saddam and his terrorist, child molesting sons just needed to be taken out.
5.) Pakistan- no war, just a wake up call to some motherfuckers over there for leaking our nuclear weapons information to other countries

Mind you this is coming from a Democrat....We aren't all tree huggers :loco:
I am not for war but it is necessary at times and it should be used at the utmost discretion. The problem with Bush is this(man I am going to catch some shit for this).....He just does not have the mental capacity or speaking skills to convince the world that this war is just. It might be, but he has no ability to convince most of the U.S. and just about the rest of the world that the war in Iraq is not just about oil...We have lost some seriously valuable allies.

We are in some serious shit and it is only going to get worse before it gets better....Four more years of Bush will equal this

1.) Economy= Totally fucked and willl only get worse

2.) Health Care= More benefits slashed. We will need it some day too and the current cost of it now is just ungodly. I am sure that most of us have Grandparents that are getting the short end of the stick (mine is having problems getting her prescriptions filled and her coverage is basically making her go bankrupt)

3.) Environment= Pollution laws will be less strict and national forests logged(that is actually happening now) environment will be worse than ever. Remember that Bush(when governor) and his pollution laws in Texas made Houston the most smog covered city in the U.S. (beating California)

Now there is a bunch of other stuff that comes to mind but aren't as major so I won't keep on my tyrade(plus I am tired of typing this book). I am not a huge Kerry supporter either ( hell I would vote for a republican if he was better than the two schmos we got runnning for office now) but this shit Bush is doing is damaging the whole image of America. I just think we should let someone else hold the reins for a while and see how they do....Sorry if I pissed any of ya guys off but thats how I feel about Bush

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."—George W. Bush Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004
The Afganistan situation drives me crazy. How can we not have that bin laden piece of shit yet?Why are any of these Afgani's alive? All of them should pay with there lives for the Towers. Like I said this situation should have been taken care of already.

No peace int the middle east,Bobby O
bobo'c said:
The Afganistan situation drives me crazy. How can we not have that bin laden piece of shit yet?Why are any of these Afgani's alive? All of them should pay with there lives for the Towers. Like I said this situation should have been taken care of already.

No peace int the middle east,Bobby O

How come I get the feeling that Bin Laden will suddenly get captured right around election time? Just like the one towelhead that got captured right at the same time as the DNC? 4 more years of Bush will destroy this country. Bush's cronies can question Kerrys war record, but what are Bush's, Cheneys and Ashcrofts war record? Oh yeah they were deferred from having to serve in Nam. Bush AWOL from Natl guard, Cheney had "other priorties", Ashcroft had 7 deferments, more than anyone else. I know you guys are gonna come down on me, but as I stated in a post on a different thread, I hate politics and politicians, but I think this one can really fuck up the country if Bush wins. BTW he didnt win the last one either.

Like father like son 4 years and your done.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
He just does not have the mental capacity or speaking skills to convince the world that this war is just.


Heck boy... yah don´t think I got what it takes?

I wish could find a pic of an egg with some pubic hair on top, then we´d have a perfect image of Kim.
I agree with 13thCandle dude. Guess the world will have Bin Laden, or his impersonator, some time in November.
Ummmmmmmm...maybe you didnt pay attention to who was responsible for 9-11. The majority of the hijackers were from Saudia Arabia. The Afghani people did not fly planes into the world trade center. Not 1 of the hijackers was from Afghanistan, or Iraq for that matter. The people of Afghanistan were occupied by a brutal religious sect called the Taliban (whick George Bush Sr, made deals with in his term). Yes terrorists were allowed to operate in Afghanistan, due to the Taliban, but the majority of the Afghans are only guilty of being born in the wrong country. Why is no one bitching about the Saudis. They are the fucken terrorist. They get taught in their schools to hate America and the West, but George W gives daily handjobs to all the Saudi Royals.

bobo'c said:
The Afganistan situation drives me crazy. How can we not have that bin laden piece of shit yet?Why are any of these Afgani's alive? All of them should pay with there lives for the Towers. Like I said this situation should have been taken care of already.

No peace int the middle east,Bobby O