Not for the easily offended


Southern born, metal bred
Dec 13, 2004
OK... at what point do we throw up our hands and say: 'GET OVER IT!!' ?

somebody decorated the break room at my company and one of the decorations was an adorable, little ceramic pig by the popcorn machine.

someone got offended.

the pig was removed and a letter concerning the pig was put out company-wide, along with a restatement of the company policy on harrassment and discrimination.

i dont get it. not in the least.

the PC police have come to town. heh...
Okay... I must be slow today. What sort of insult is a ceramic pig? Were there police officers in the building or something?


we've ruled out cops and Muslims.
the mystery continues...
totally off topic, but popcorn machines rule. These reservists showed up to Iraq a couple years ago and they actually drug along a GINORMOUS popcorn machine, like a movie theater size sucker. It was great. I always snuck into their building to raid their popcorn. Better than powdered eggs!

But in your case, someone must really have it out for pork. It was probably a blimp that works there. You should say how fat people offend you and have them removed. Toss in people with insane metabolisms, they offend me everyday.
Is it implying that people eating popcorn are fat pigs? Was the person complaining a chubster? or an orthodox jew, maybe?

it's a mystery. nobody knows except the person that complained and HR.
it's actually a Jewish owned company [it's cool... we get all the regular holidays off and all the Jewish holidays off], but if pork was such a problem with them they wouldnt keep ham sandwiches in the vending machines and they wouldnt buy us BBQ dinners when we do well.
they wouldnt buy us BBQ dinners when we do well.

Your place buys you BBQ for doing well??! Sheeeatt! I need to get some Southern living!

In my place, whenever we do well, the bosses say, "See? I knew you could do it... In fact, you'll do it every muthafuckin time from now on!! Get back to work!!"

Anyay, popcorn isn't fat-ass food.

Ben&Jerry's is food for the large and wide.

Popcorn is what massive fuckin mastodons eat to fill their cavernous cavities without ODing on uncalculable calories.

Your place buys you BBQ for doing well??! Sheeeatt! I need to get some Southern living!

In my place, whenever we do well, the bosses say, "See? I knew you could do it... In fact, you'll do it every muthafuckin time from now on!! Get back to work!!"

Anyay, popcorn isn't fat-ass food.

Ben&Jerry's is food for the large and wide.

Popcorn is what massive fuckin mastodons eat to fill their cavernous cavities without ODing on uncalculable calories.


yup. the nice Jews that run my company treat us to catered BBQ dinners, with BBQ [of course], potato salad, cole slaw, hush puppies and sweet tea when we have a good accident-free streak, a long run of no deviations in work orders, etc...

oh... sometimes they cater in subs or deli sandwiches.

the popcorn, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, milk and fountain sodas are free every day. :rock:
yup. the nice Jews that run my company treat us to catered BBQ dinners, with BBQ [of course], potato salad, cole slaw, hush puppies and sweet tea when we have a good accident-free streak, a long run of no deviations in work orders, etc...

oh... sometimes they cater in subs or deli sandwiches.

the popcorn, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, milk and fountain sodas are free every day. :rock:

Don't make me jealous... again!

All we get is coffee. BLACK coffee. So we stay awake. And work!

Da boss: "Guzzle down that joe and get back to work! Work! WORK!!"
