Not so metal mix.


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
For the past few days I have been itching to write a non-metal song and through two long nights finally came up with some tones that would work for a non metal tune (a first for me)

I am really impressed so far by the quality, almost no mixing done whatsoever, other than some mild compression, eq and reverb, everything is natural. d00d.mp3

Gear used:

SD2.0 Avatar
SD-1 --> PoulinXTAC -->SIR2 Guitarhacks impulses
MOTU symphonic Instument (for Piano, solo Violas and Cello)

The acoustic guitars aren't that great, the only available mic that I have is a beta 58 and my bass broke yet again which requiresa some soldering work, so up to this point there isn't any bass.

This is a first non metal track recorded/mixed and a first that I haven't used orchestras (except minor ambient viola and cello accompaniment).

Rate the overall track, songwriting/mix quality etc, this is pretty uncharted territory for me, I kind of have no clue what the hell I am doing.
It's GREAT! I'm loving the songwriting, the instruments, the key changes, they are TITS! :D Mix sounds quite pro other than the kick, it could use a more modern tone than the vintage 'thump' imo. With bass it would be more fuller, but then again you're probably aware of that.

Well done, I love it.
Only problem I have is with the snare - I'd definitely pitch it a little lower than that. Kick sounds a little bit wet... maybe a touch too much 2k?

Good work though man!