not that I had any business watching this but...


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Has anyone else noticed that in the new Justin Timberlake video the girl he's chasing around town is wearing an IRON MAIDEN "Purgatory" tshirt?!?!?

Again, please do not deduct points from my METALness, here...(Got that Swine, Greeno, and Baldyboy...) as I am no Justin fan...just innocently surfing channels when I came across this and it was like a car wreck, you didn't want to look but you couln't turn away.

I can't wait to hear the hell I catch for this one...
Brain....ovErloAding... nOt.........CompUte...
systEm..... shUTing.... DoWN........AAAAAaaaaaaaaagh........................................
There's a commercial on TV in Australia at the moment for Sultana Bran and the little kid sitting down eating it in it is wearing a Dokken - Back For The Attack t-shirt! :headbang:
first you wear a suit n tie to work,then justin trousersnake on the t.v?oh dear ted,oh dearie me!lol.
dont worry fella,not that i go out of my way to watch his vids or anything,he did a song called cry me a river a while ago,and the vocals on it he banged britney and fuckin loads of other beautiful babes,so the guy gets some respect from me-not much mind.....say 20 hail satans and this can all be forgotten!lol
That's quite laughable :p but nothing really new. I remember a few years back 5ive (those who destroyed We Will Rock You) did an interview posing in Maiden and Motorhead t-shirts, trying to convince us they were rockers :loco: Maiden popped up in various forms in SM:TV as well when Brave New World was out...they had a hilarious interview with Slash on there that got cut drastically short! :D
tedvanfrehley said:
Has anyone else noticed that in the new Justin Timberlake video the girl he's chasing around town is wearing an IRON MAIDEN "Purgatory" tshirt?!?!?
I can't wait to hear the hell I catch for this one...

Yeah I noticed that. I wasn't watching MTV either, I was just flipping
channels and the TV got stuck on MTV. by accident.
what about that robbie shithead williams walkin around with kiss and m/crew t shirts on arrrrg . maybe i can get baldyboy to were one of my band t shirts in his next vid oh sorry you need to get a note from your mum dont you m8 to say its ok :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: only kidding m8
panic cell kick bottom :worship: :worship:
i wonder if this is a good time to ask for a loan :err: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :worship:
i could buy another drum kit :D :D