not to decrease the quality of this messageboard, but


Sep 12, 2002
is anyone capable of explaining to me how one might go about inserting a new page into a word document? or creating a new page at all? a multiple page document? how to do it? or where i could find info on a procedure that might enable this to come about in the next week or so? anyone?
By new page do you mean you already have multiple written pages and want to insert a blank one? That's Ctrl+Enter
If you just want a new document that's Ctrl+N

I don't know what you mean by "multiple page document"... that's sortuva given.
NB, it [is][is[/i] a given, isn't it.

on the other hand, i notice that with word nothing is assumed. i've tried it all and it doesn't work. i know the ctrl(in my case, apple) ENTRøE tricks and whatnot.

is it possible, somehow, that the inclusion of a picture/illustrated backdrop is preventing the text box to make/flow over to a new page?
Insert a page hop,

Go to Insert and it should be the first choice on top of the menu. It will direct you to a second page without having to press enter until you have that second page appear

Oh and images are a bitch to work with in Word, I usually put them in text boxes so that they work properly (view>Toolbar>draw)
ummm... have you tried hitting Enter (or whateverthefuck it's called on macs) the number of times it takes to fill a new page? heh...

If it's a background image there's no reason for it to interfere...

If it makes you feel any better I'm no strager to Word headaches... Sometimes clients send me docs with sooo much useless and excessive formatting it takes me twice as long to translate without unwittingly fucking everything up.
okay, MS, that works. but here's the thing. it inserts a page before the page, not after, and this is driving me insane.

i'm going to keep your box/import trick in mind. i can't tell you how utterly complex and downright evil my problems are right now concerning a cross-platform, co-PDF/word set of documents i am stuck doing because i'm no longer a real graphic designer.

i can lay out the stuff perfectly w/ indesign and word, using proper formats and whatnot. i try to take the first step toward assembling a word version for the people who are PDF-illiterate, and by that i mean inserting the letterhead header and footer as a background image. and shit starts to fall apart, instantly.

maybe that's wrong-headed (the method of starting with a background image) and maybe not, but it seemed to make the most sense to me. except that it became a total crapshoot when i began importing the graphics. we have 3 different letterhead headers. sometimes word would accept an EPS, sometimes it would accept a WMF, sometimes it would accept neither.

i've read about the whole 'it'll print OK because all you're seeing is a lo-res TIFF/PICT preview", but that's just not true. ALL of them except for like one would still print like shit.

i still haven't found a workaround and i'm losing all creative drive. st avi.
okay i figured it out. somehow i had to select the bckgrnd image, triple click it to make a bunch of paragraph symbols appear so that the fuckign thing registered that i needed the type symbol at the bottom, and then inserted the new page in the right direction. like playing go with a goddamn plastic robot extendo gripper hand. with a mitten on it.
speaking of this kind of stuff, today this intern kept saying she's really good with "MS STYLES" and i am like, thinking to myself... wtf is that?
goatschool said:
okay, MS, that works. but here's the thing. it inserts a page before the page, not after, and this is driving me insane.

i'm going to keep your box/import trick in mind. i can't tell you how utterly complex and downright evil my problems are right now concerning a cross-platform, co-PDF/word set of documents i am stuck doing because i'm no longer a real graphic designer.

i can lay out the stuff perfectly w/ indesign and word, using proper formats and whatnot. i try to take the first step toward assembling a word version for the people who are PDF-illiterate, and by that i mean inserting the letterhead header and footer as a background image. and shit starts to fall apart, instantly.

maybe that's wrong-headed (the method of starting with a background image) and maybe not, but it seemed to make the most sense to me. except that it became a total crapshoot when i began importing the graphics. we have 3 different letterhead headers. sometimes word would accept an EPS, sometimes it would accept a WMF, sometimes it would accept neither.

i've read about the whole 'it'll print OK because all you're seeing is a lo-res TIFF/PICT preview", but that's just not true. ALL of them except for like one would still print like shit.

i still haven't found a workaround and i'm losing all creative drive. st avi.
OK, What you want to do is put letterheads and stuff that will repeat on each page as Header/Footer (View>header/footer) Printing is a bitch, it all depends on the printer drivers, try to find a pretty standard driver for your printer, most of the time a PostScript driver will do a better job at keeping stuff like its supposed to be, might have some fonts problems however. As for image format, if you want quality in word the only way to go is tiff, it is the only format that will work on a consistent basis, forget vector-based graphics, drawback of bitmap will be that it will supersize your file.

Adding pages before should be as easy as hitting a couple of enters at the beginning and insert a page hop. I wholly recommend having your "typist" symbols on at all time so that you know where you are.