Not to happy with tour playlist.

Embalmed Templar

New Metal Member
Oct 28, 2005
Haverhill Massachusetts
With Bodoms Japanese tour, I got to see the new tour list. I can say im a little disapointed that they are only playing one song from Something Wild, and one song off of Hatebreeder. they give a few songs from Follow the Reaper, but then are very heavy on Hate Crew and Are you dead yet. When they tour America, even more songs from AYDY will be played, meaning they might cut more from FTR. Now i know that its a new album tour, but im disapointed they're hardly playing any of their really old stuff, which IMO is far better than the last 2 albums. I will still go see them, and supoort them, but meh.. just ranting.
Yeah I agree with you but the new albums are still pretty good and I suppose people who have seen them before have already heard the old songs.

Speaking of the setlist what is "intro"?
I beleive "intro" is that old song that has a guy saying things like, "they're coming to take me away ho ho, they're coming to take me away haha." They have only played America 3 times, and all three werent headlining tours; this means they had relatively short sets. All three tours were after the release of HCDR, so we have never really had a good set of older songs.
yeah, you're right shagoroth (unless they made something new for new tour).

and i would like for them to play as much as they can NEW SONGS, cuz i don't want to watch same songs 213123421490 times
Pyrolizzard said:
Whiny-whiny whine-whine. At least there touring. have you ever heard of the phrase "beggars cant be choosers"

Why is it a free tour they are doing? Are they giving us all free tickets?
It's going to be nice party anyway. (where's the fucking beer smiley when you need it)
Shagoroth said:
They have a new intro 'Beatles - Twist and Shout'.
That's fucking great:lol:
i lvoe it!

@embalmed: isnt it natural for a band to paly their newest stuf? to promote and such
Yeah, I understand what you guys are saying. I was attracted to their music by their Follow the Reaper and Hatebreeder albums. I'd like to see those having a fair amount of play time during the set. Especially Kissing the Shadows...
Pyrolizzard said:
Whiny-whiny whine-whine. At least there touring. have you ever heard of the phrase "beggars cant be choosers"

The only thing I begged of them was to come here and play Warheart or Towards Dead End . . . that certainly wont happen. I was really excited to hear that they're going to be playing Worcester MA on my birthday, but now I don'tknow if I want to make the trip.I suppose I'll wait to see the actual American setlist, though.
does anyone know if janne produced that twist and shout intro :)
its fckin great they change the lyrics to drinking.. warmen makes great pop covers