I ran it through the translator on altavista and got:
Debut album of fBbNfX^oh " sky fire "!
Being to be the import board, as for details you do not understand, but the twin Key, just a little it changed from twin G, (?) 5 human groups of constitution.
The Vo is stable with death voice of scream type!
When inquiring about 1 number of this album, impact was rather large, don't you think? is the ^^
In any case, whether the VZ even with this the extent which is said being used exaggeratedly, thin phonic arrangement is enormous, is! If of just thin phonic arrangement is thought, genre is different, but the Rhapsody compared to it probably is on much.
Every tune the melody ground and the classical phrase being used, the parenthesis it is rather good, is the ^^
As for recommendation tune all! (Laughing) like this saying, the stripe uninformed it meaning that meaning of the review is gone, several it will introduce the ^^
As for 1 number introduction of thin phonic arrangement full load!
The thin phonic lover the person is 1 tune of _ ones, (laughing)
As for 4 numbers " SKYFIRE " this album 1st recommendation! Dramatic development the parenthesis the ^^ which it passes and is;
Also all tunes other than these 2 tunes develop dramatically, it is the running impression preeminent and is the Good!
Throwing away tune altogether being not to be, don't you think? it is the album which you can hear at a stroke!
If there is no death voice, it is distributed to genre such as thin phonic metal and style beauty, probably will be! The person who likes the genre of this system is not perplexed and " buys " and it is the album! Therefore weak point death voice with saying, unless you hear, don't you think? 1 it loses absolutely is!
Power & * * * *
Melody & * * * *
Speed & * * * *
Degree of satisfaction 91 point