'nother small haul


God Of Emptiness
Nov 29, 2002
Second left after Wal-Mart
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Well, since it's been a whole week since I ordered anything, I thought it time to change that.

Axe - Offering (Classic)
Axe - Nemesis (classic)
Star One - Space Metal. Not sure who I got this from, and I'm very picky about prog or proggish stuff, but I love the flow, feel, and songwriting on this album. Starchild is a very cool song as well.
Autumn Tears - Eclipse (neo-classical romanticism epitomized)
Ensiferum - Iron (ltd ed) (catchy viking epic stuff)
Mas De Grises - The Tatterdemalion Express (doooom)
Carpathian Forest - We're Going To Hollywood For This. DVD (black)
I ordered "Nemesis" too thanks to your advice.

As for Star One I can't talk, everybody I'm extremely prejudice, after all their live album was my #1 album of 2003 :D

I check once Mar de Grises (Sea of Greys) and the vox was a bit to harsh, I like my doom more Candlemass/Solitude Aeturnus oriented. It worth to check it again?
Not sure on the Mar De Grises yet. Should have it Monday. Actually, none of this stuff has come in yet. I've been working like a dog and got a bunch of overtime so I thought I would get impulsive.

I'll put the Mar De Grises up for you when I get it so you can double-check.
Psychonaut said:
Star One - Space Metal. Not sure who I got this from, and I'm very picky about prog or proggish stuff, but I love the flow, feel, and songwriting on this album.

Great album!!! If you can get the live DVD also, woth every dime. I'm also not a big prog-head but Star One is a great mix of prog and stright metal to my ears.
Trust me it worth it. The DVD (except for the bass solo), it one hell of a ride. And the live (2 CD) album compiles the best of Star One with some nice Ayreon jewels never played live before (Ayreon has no live album). Th version of 'Valley Of The Queens' with Floor Janssen give me the goosebumps, and the final choir in 'The Eyes Of Ra' is the closest to musical orgasm :lol:
whoah...I have never heard any of those bands but I'm always intrigued by what the mighty Green one, the corpsepainted american badass, and the man called Wyvern are listening to. I trust your ears as they have never steered me wrong...and if I run across these bands I'll check 'em out!
sixxswine said:
Any of you guys have the new Dream Evil? Does that come with a DVD? Or was that just the import version?

The version I have came with the DVD, ordered it from Century Media. If you're gonna buy it try to get the one with the DVD, has some great stuff on there... live plus in the studio recording.
Greeno said:
The version I have came with the DVD, ordered it from Century Media. If you're gonna buy it try to get the one with the DVD, has some great stuff on there... live plus in the studio recording.
Mine too. Although I must say is the weakest of the DE albums so far, but the DVD is great. It shows these guys really enjoy being a metal band and not taken life so seriously.
Wyvern said:
Mine too. Although I must say is the weakest of the DE albums so far, but the DVD is great. It shows these guys really enjoy being a metal band and not taken life so seriously.

I felt the same way about the album AND dvd. It's not their best but after watching the DVD it didn't matter, because it looked like they were having soo much fun I forgave them.

Not that it's a bad album.... just the weakest of their 3 so far.
By the way..... did you guys see this about Dream Evil?


DREAM EVIL Part Ways With Guitarist, Announce Replacement - Sep. 13, 2004
Guitarist Gus G. has left Swedish melodic metallers DREAM EVIL in order to focus on his own band, FIREWIND. His official statement on the matter is as follows:

"Hello my friends! Hope this message finds u well. I would like to announce to you, that I've decided to leave DREAM EVIL for different reasons, mainly personal. I would also like to concentrate on my own band, FIREWIND. However, this doesn't mean that I'm not friends with the guys in the band. I split with them under very friendly circumstances. I wish them the best in the future. As for me, you can count on hearing my new releases coming up later this year. I'm sorry if I dissapoint some of you, but... the show must go on! Stay Metal!!"

The remaining members of DREAM EVIL have issued the following statement about Gus' departure and his replacement:

“There are no hard feelings; we are still best friends and we wish Gus nothing but the best in his future musical carrier. Second! The good news: DREAM EVIL is happy to announce that guitar virtuoso and axe-swinger Mark U Black is our new lead guitarist. This guy rips and shreds like a maniac in a true '80s guitar hero style We feel that with Mark's skills and his ability to give DREAM EVIL his full-time attention, this change will bring DREAM EVIL to the next level. We have already played some festival shows with him in Europe, and he delivered! We are very much looking forward to joining SAXON on the road in September/ October as we continue to spread the word about our latest album 'The Book Of Heavy Metal'. All right in the night!"
a) I was expecting something like this any minute. Bands made as side projects usually take a tool when a member decides to left for his/her main band.

b) Who the hell is Mark U Black?
Wyvern said:
b) Who the hell is Mark U Black?

Never heard of him.

Man I hope they keep it together and continue releasing albums!

Have any of you heard the other Gus G projects? Just wondering if they are worth checking out.
I got Satyricon's Volcano and Mayhem's Chimera albums today... didnt like them at first but the more i listen to them the more im starting to like them.. anyone have either album? .. also has anyone heard of a band called Fireball Ministry? i think thats that name. what do u think of them? im thinking of gettin their recent album.. some people equate them with ozzy and that if your ozzy fan you might like them.. let me know...