Noticing similarities...


Sep 14, 2005
A little random, I know, but have you noticed that the first 2 beats of 'Ascension of our Fathers' and 'Revolt' are exactly the same?

Have you found any other sections in Borknagar's music, spanning across tracks or even albums, that share more than a few similarities? Tell us all about it...

By the way, Ocean's Rise on Origin doesn't count! :lol:
I haven't noticed anything in Borknagar.
I did notice two songs that basically have the same riff on the Grave Digger album Rheingold. I noticed some things that were the same between Dragon Forces first album and Halloween : KoTSK Part II but that might be my own madness!
No, although I have found two relations between Bork and System of a Down... the main riff for "The View of Everlast" sounds like "Toxicity", and the riff in the Chorus of "Ad Noctum" shares an uncanny resemblance to the riff used in "Question". I doubt anyone here really listens to System though :rolleyes: