Noturnall - what to expect?


PPUSA circa 2005
Sep 14, 2009
We all know Shaman, Angra and Hangar right?

Angra had Ricardo Confessori on drums in the beginning, he was replaced by Aquiles Priester that was replaced by Ricardo.
Well, until yesterday I thought Ricardo was playing with Angra and Shaman, but turns out Shaman is apparently done and Noturnall is the new effort of Thiago Bianchi, Leo Mancini, Jr. Carelli, Fernando Quesada (4/5 of Shaman) and Aquiles Priester on drums.

They just released this video (in portuguese, but you can add capiton) where they kinda explain what happened. From what I understood they had an entire album ready to go, but then decided to change things. They kept the material already recorded with Russell Allen (as producer) and re-recorded all the drum parts. Apparently they added some new thing too, the explanations aren't that clarifying...

Their first video is expected to be release on September 21st. The album might come on January 2014.

I am curious to hear this thing since they keep saying on the video that the songs are modern, heavy, very heavy, super heavy...

Any guesses of what to expect?