November tour flyer


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
I'd be more than happy to hand out flyers at the London gigs in Camden that I'm going to before the 25th. Anything for "The Quest."

(See personal message :p)
Hey Frostmourn! thanks for the offer dude....send me you postal addy and I'll get some out to you.

DougieHammett....we would jump at the chance to go "down under" dude and play, although I suspect such a trip might require the profile of PQ to be somewhat higher! hehe! A trip this time next year would be cool...tie in with the Ashes series!
Maybe you guys might win again, that would make it 2 in what 200 years lol :)

I'd fucking love to see you guys here man, many scream cheese whenever I tell them your name but I have a high fetta threshhold. Many days me and a few mates and even my bro have had Temple Of Fire cranking out the windows \m/

Must say I love the new album too dude. I would try my best to help with promotion if possible too guys.
Hey I'm a big fan and I wanna come see the Quest when you guys play at Marquee Club, but, the marquee website doesn't seem to know anything about you so I can't order tickets (which I prefer to do rather than turn up on the door). Does anyone know if I can order tickets or is this one on the door sales only? i know its a club so that's reasonably likely but you can order tickets for other nights, just not the Nov 25th.

Any assistance?
Nice one I'll be there chanting your name from the front (unless something like chronic laziness or a gig of my own crops up). Last thing (I have to ask here coz the Marquee site is SO damn useless) is the place over 18s? In my band we have a couple of younger guys who wanna come with us but would need fake IDs to do so. Shall we find them some or is it cool?