Novembre at Wikipedia


So why not moving?
Dec 20, 2003
Dublin, Ireland

I just started an article about Novembre at Wikipedia. For those of you who don't know what wikipedia is, it is a large database of information in the form of an encyclopedia (sp?). Anyone with an account on it is able to edit any page. All changes are stored and can be diff'ed for comparison on what changed in a specific change (in the article's history). The changes are usually often spelling corrections and updates, so if you think there's something missing in it (like a lengthy description of Novembre withotu resorting to already written statements, for example) go ahead and edit it. Not too difficult.

Nice job, as already told you.
I want to learn more about this 'Wikipedia' as soon as I'll be back from holidays.

As to - Klimt 1918 - Stallingrad Theme (I bet this drumming is Giuseppe's) - yeah, this is definitely the song from the debut album 'UM' in which you can clearly hear the influence of Novembre.