Now I know why none of you guys have posted an Ozzfest review...


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Your asses are all in the slammer!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Janesville, WI's Janesville Gazette reports that Walworth County deputies and the county drug enforcement unit issued 69 tickets for possession of marijuana at Sunday's (August 12) Ozzfest concert at Alpine Valley Music Theater in East Troy, Wisconsin.

The drug unit ticketed 58 people and recovered 189 grams of the drug. The unit also ticketed five for possession of drug paraphernalia and one for disorderly conduct.

One subject was arrested for having a felony warrant out of Texas, according to the sheriff's department.

Patrol deputies ticketed 23 people for underage possession of alcohol, 11 for marijuana possession, three for disorderly conduct, four for possession of drug paraphernalia and two for speeding. Three were arrested on misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct.

Deputies also took one report of a fourth-degree sexual assault, one for hit-and-run and one for vandalism. Arrests were not made regarding those reports.

The all-day concert drew about 19,000 people.
19000 peeps and only 69 tickets. Seems like most were on their good behavior.
The venue near me that has OZZfest, the police never patrol the parking area or are inside the venue, the man has better things to do than hassle concert goers.