"now the rain it comes, the rain it blurs..the greyline, the greyline, the greyhound

Yes, that section up to the sun goddess bit is the best part of the album along with the Sunday Afternoon solo.
Umm... in my other post I meant to say that the "You are a sun goddess" bit up to the "You are so vicious" bit is the best part. The way I had it written before meant that I was pretty much referring to the whole song as the best part... which I guess isn't too far from the truth, but still. :)

After extensive listening I can safley say that :
(lyrics taken from hevydevy)

It’s on again, (got no wings…gossamer wings…) …on again…(THIRD BEST)
You are a sun Goddess!!!( (THE BEST BIT)
Will you save me? …babe…babe…babe…
Cause it’s all in the heat of the moment
It’s all in the pain!!!
So give in to the heat of the moment
Give in to the pain!!!(SECOND BEST)
Yes. When I got to that part last time, I replayed it about 3 times before going on. Sunday Afternoon also.. the "It's another night here, and all I'm thinkin about is you" line going into the next part. That does it for me.