np: Dream Theater - Images and Words

I've pretty much given this band the benefit of the doubt, but - eh, not for me. Why does so much prog-metal forget the metal part? Eh, I've probably been listening to too much death.

But, yea, the new Nile shall be arriving soon and all shall be well.

the only dream theater albums that really strike me are 'change of seasons' and 'scenes from a memory'.

everything else seems rather bland (including the new one)
based on my limited experience at Berklee as a worker I can say that I believe if a student goes here with a strong individulaistic idea of their indentity and they just want to learn about music because they love it so much then they will become amazing here. This place can expose them to so much that if you are in the right frame of mind and are willing to work your ass off then Berklee will reward you very much.

I think the problem lies in the fact that students begin to lose their identities here and begin to stgart thinking about music strictly in the business sense where they have to learn to play a certain way to get more session gigs and they need to be able to sightread really well in order to gig with a big name jazz band or something like that.

But working in financial aid and hearing so many parents that are so proud of their sons and daughters accomplishments asking for extra money to help their children live their dream makes me forget about my problems with the school because for some musicians this place is heaven and that is not a bad thing at all.

So I think it is silly to generalize about Berklee being a clone factory because while it does happen, it is not the only thing that Berklee offers and I do look forward to taking some free classes there.

Also in regards to Dream Theater, I am sick of defending them because while I know they have their faults I realize there is no right answer. I love them and to me I FEEL emotion in their music so it doesn't matter who is right or wrong. If you don't like them you just ignore them and don't pay any attention to them and if you love them like me you listen to them. Its as simple as that.

To me there are far greater offenses to muysic out there than Dream Theater. They just do what they do and are good at it. Its just that as always music is not black and white because everyone feels it in different ways so there is no wrong and no right.
Originally posted by Baliset
Also in regards to Dream Theater, I am sick of defending them because while I know they have their faults I realize there is no right answer. I love them and to me I FEEL emotion in their music so it doesn't matter who is right or wrong. If you don't like them you just ignore them and don't pay any attention to them and if you love them like me you listen to them. Its as simple as that.

To me there are far greater offenses to muysic out there than Dream Theater. They just do what they do and are good at it. Its just that as always music is not black and white because everyone feels it in different ways so there is no wrong and no right. [/B]

I think when people pull out Dream Theater as an example of being emotionless, I think they are mostly talking about the 30% or whatever of their music that are those fast, blurry, 15/16 sort of pieces where it often seems like the stucture is there since it's complex. But after finishing up Images and Words earlier, I actually heard quite a bit of emotion throughout, nothing I would personally identify with, but the vocalist definitely was singing with passion.

I don't have a serious problem with Dream Theater and I agree that there are greater offenses to music out there, but as the reigning leader of this movement of music (unless you count Queensryche or Fates Warning), they often get the attention that might otherwise be selectively chosen for other groups that fall under their umbrella.

The reason why I find their music fair, rather than bad or good, is partially probably because I grew up during the 80s (I'm 31 now). I rememeber when the first Queensryche EP came out. I also remember buying the first Dream Theater album (before this one) when it came out based on a recommendation from a friend who thought I'd like it because he knew I liked progressive music. At the time, to my ears, they sounded just like most of the commercial metal music of the time except played by technically excellent musicians, and this is an impression that has not worn off with the couple albums I have heard since they released it. The addition of complex unison lines in bizarre time signatures, by comparison, often sound gimmicky.

So really, it's not about being emotionless, it's more that I'd find it difficult to tell a DT ballad from a Poison or Slaughter ballad and that this 80s sort of style rubs off on all but their most complex music. I don't think this is fact, but it's an opinion, one influenced by my musical experiences over the last 15 years.

np: Dream Theater - Images and Words

Is it wrong of me to enjoy this album? I find substantial emotion, good songwriting, as well as technical (not super-technical) instrumentation every time I listen to this album. I agree they get more recognition than they rightfully deserve (or maybe that other bands deserve just as much or more), though.