*NSFW* Glenn Miller congressional ads.


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
So there's this dude, Glenn Miller. He's running for congress. He also found a loop hole in the law that is forcing radio stations to play his adds despite the content in them. It's becoming news.

HOOOOOOOLY SHIT. On one hand, it is so fucking terribly horrible that it's funny. On the other hand... time to change those fucking laws.

Edit: Here's some news coverage about the bizarre situation:



http://www.kctv5.com/news/22993351/detail.html (this one has more of the ads)
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The big boss is a full on Jew. But he's a radio guy before that, so this will interest him greatly. Especially since these are running on stations owned by the company we work for.
Makes sense. I know the radio people are going after him hard, Opie and Anthony are going to have him on tuesday. News story of the year, haha. Guy finally got the attention he's been seeking for 25+ years.
Haha unfortunately for him he's gonna feel the hate he's been distributing coming back around full circle. Hope he's ready. I sense epic LOLz on the horizon here.
Haha unfortunately for him he's gonna feel the hate he's been distributing coming back around full circle. Hope he's ready. I sense epic LOLz on the horizon here.


You can follow his tale directly from him here. He details EVERYTHING in the thread (impending interviews, how he's working around certain aspects of the laws when people try to deny him the spot, etc.)

Obviously not a PC forum. Replies can be summed up with imagining bald men wrapped in the confederate flag yelling at their monitors "git'em roundeeeeeeer"