

Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
So, I've been going back and listening to a bunch of the albums from my younger days that I've had shelved for a few years now. Only a couple of them really played a part in my overall progression, but looking back, a lot of this stuff isn't too bad.

I've been listening to the Murderdolls incessantly (not really nu-metal, more like punk/rock groove horror metal or something) as well as Disturbed, Godsmack and Mudvayne. All of these bands put out at least one really solid rock and roll album, Disturbed with Believe, Godsmack with Faceless and Mudvayne with The End of All Things to Come. These albums all came out at the height of the nu-metal movement's popularity and it may only be the nostalgia factor at work, but going back now, I love these four above mentioned bands. Godsmack's debut also has a really nice mid-paced groovy atmosphere and I think the accusations of all out AiC rip-offery are taking it too far.

I guess what I'd really like to know, is how much everyone here really reviles these bands and if so, why? It's not like this stuff is amazing or genre-defining, but there is some solid music here and since it's pretty much an entirely separate scene from our own it should either be ignored or people should take a look and pick out some of the decent music there. Seems like a lot of people hate them for "giving metal a bad name" though I don't remember when anyone actually started caring about what non-metal people think about metal. But anyway, with this movement having run its course and being replaced with bands like Lamb of God, Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage and Mastodon, do people still feel the same way, or have their feelings transferred to the "new" popular wave of mainstream metal? How many people here have actually heard these bands?

Even Slipknot, the most popular and worst of these bands isn't that bad and they have a few decent songs. So, what do you lot think of these bands and any relevance they may have had?

NP:B-Movie Scream Queen - Murderdolls :kickass:
I used to spin the first Korn and Limp Bizkit albums about once a year, I still enjoy (hed)p.e. from time to time, and Ultraspank were a killer band. I never cared for Mudvayne or Slipknot, but they aren't terrible bands. Godsmack and Disturbed both held my attention for about 2 weeks, when I realized they were bands with absolutely no depth or lasting appeal.

Nu-metal was a tired genre that played itself out within a year or two, and then about 9 million pointless clone bands surfaced making people hate it as a whole.
I think you might like the Murderdolls Nad. Or not, you know how it goes.:p

All of the lyrics are tongue in cheek about zombies and killing miss america and robbing graves and frankenstein and shit. The music is more punk oriented with a lotta of hella fun riffs. They get thrown into this grouping of bands because Joey Jordison plays guitar for them, but he's a really talented guy and it's just good ole rollicking music.
Opeth17 said:
It's not like this stuff is amazing or genre-defining, but there is some solid music here

Opeth17 said:
and since it's pretty much an entirely separate scene from our own it should either be ignored or people should take a look and pick out some of the decent music there
Problem is: It's so much easier to condemn and ignore a genre as a whole than trying to find and pick out the decent stuff, so that's what most people do. I enjoy some nu metal and music bordering on that genre every now and then. Mudvayne, Kilgore, Earthtone, Deftones, Audrey Horne, Mnemic, Killswitch Engage, ... though I couldn't listen to it for hours as it gets repetitive after a while. But actually, that's not any different with most death and black metal.
Not a big fan of Slipknot, I prefer their little brother StoneSour.
haha, I totally forgot about Deftones. I was a huge fan of them for a few years, saw them live a bunch of times and everything. I burned out on them like few other bands though, weird.
i used to like nu-metal, when i was like 15. now all those bands are just painful.

on the other hand, i am a big fan of mastodon and lamb of god....shadows fall and killswitch engage can still suck it
As others have said, there's some good stuff around in this genre and the newer stuff that's popular these days. It's not really stuff that I'd buy, nor listen to a lot, but I can certainly listen to it and enjoy the odd song that I hear.

With me, none of my friends are really into extreme underground metal, but a whole bunch are into mainstream metal (like this stuff), hard rock etc. so when I go out on nights out, it's pretty much exclusively to clubs that play stuff like this. If I couldn't appreciate it and be open-minded about it, I would have missed out on some of my best nights out as a student getting drunk and head banging to stuff that I certainly wouldn't buy, but that I find fun to listen to in that setting. Personally, I think it would suck to be one of those elitist metal fans who just stands there in the corner looking miserable and saying how shit everything that comes on is...

...or maybe I just need new friends, haha.
I listened to the first 2 tracks of White Pony earlier today, still pretty rad shit. I was cracking up during the first song because I forgot it was about getting beat up by a chick, haha.

stop I'm drunk
but I'm off my knees
the police stopped chasing
I'm her new cool meat
she pops the trunk
and she removes me
and a machine that takes
pictures of us
now my jaw and my teeth hurt
I'm choking from gnawing on the ball
and just before I come to move to
the back of the car she makes me
touch the machine
new murderer
first untie me
untie me for now
you said you would, right?
and you were right
(soon I'll let you go)
soon this will be all over
well I hope soon
she sang
so she sang
(soon I'll let you go)

What ever happened to Slipknot are tr00 or whoever the fuck he was.

I will admit i grew up on shit like korn and manson evolved though when i found the "good" stuff. I revisit it from time to time getting drunk with mates, find a cd we havnt listened to in years spin it and remember the old days and of course handbang uncontrolably
I still listen to Marilyn Manson, never thought of them in the nu scene really. More like industrial/pop/circus whatever.
ill admit that i listened to disturbed, static x, and a couple other bands that i cant even remember, for about a week before i threw the cds out the window. my critical analysis: they sucked.