Nu Metal

Disturbed are good, even though they're more just regular metal now. System of a Down's first two albums are good. I like one Korn song, the one they did for Haze.

Oh wait I'm meant to be too cool and say these bands are shit, I forgot.

I fucking love that song.

Edit: Infact I'm going to listen to the whole album. <3
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Nu metal is a joke anyway, theres no need to ridicule it further because nu metal is what it is and thats punishment enough.

Its like picking on ginger/french/ginger french people. They have to suffer their own existence as it is, ridiculing them makes no difference because beng ginger/french/french and ginger is bad enough.

I basically just said the same thing twice. I work badly at this ridiculous time in the morning.
I started off with Nu-Metal and some bands have remained (although their styles may have changed) such as KoRn, System Of A Down, Disturbed, Limp Bizkit (remained the same brand of awesome for me haha), I really like and I don't give a shit what people think of me for that. It's a genre of music and people can get far too high and mighty over shit like that, it's a good laugh with regards to LB's live act so hmm whatever pal.
All SOAD albums are great, though they're kind of different from what I think of as nu-metal... I do also have a soft spot for a few Disturbed songs because my flatmates at the time used to play them all the time. Although they also played Limp Bizkit a lot and that just made me hate them even more...
I actually dont consider System of a Down to be a nu metal band, I think theres much more to it. They were a great band, very innovative, their music has lots of styles mixed in.

I think Nu metal sucks my nutsack.:puke:
I don't hate nu-metal
I'll listen to Slipknot here and there (oh no, how dare I *rollseyes*), not so much Korn, I think Jonathan Davis sucks and the only talent in that band is their bassist. SOAD isn't really nu-metal, they're more hard rock than anything. I like Disturbed alot, they've really come from their nu-metal roots and more towards a hard rock sound now, although they've turned back to metal with Indestructible.
i'd say linkin park are nu metal. they have a dj an mike shinoda who does the rapping bits an a regular singer. if someone said to me give me an example of a nu metal band i'd say them an also limp bizkit