Nuclear Assault - Third World Genocide


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Nuclear Assault – Third World Genocide
SPV Records – SPV 80000872 – August 30th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


Album of the year, folks!

Not really. That was a lie. But what’s not a lie is that this is Nuclear Assault’s return from a ten-year, studio absence, and unfortunately Third World Genocide is a disappointment at the least. Thus, if you glean anything from this review, then let it be the following: do not buy this album.

The title track – “Third World Genocide” – gets things off to a shaky start with its brand of lifeless riffing, dated vocals, and embarrassing choruses. However, the clouds part slightly at the sight of “Price of Freedom,” which is more upbeat and contagious. Plus, there’s a nice interlude splattered with acoustic guitars, melodic leads, and whatnot at the 1:40 minute mark. “Human Wreckage” is reminiscent of early day Megadeth, though the former is much more insipid than Mustaine’s crew was back then. Another decent thrash moment is unburied during the commencement of “Living Hell,” mostly due to the trashy, leading riff. The atrocity known as “Whine and Cheese” chases “Living Hell,” and is essentially so hokey it becomes a parody unintentionally. In order to keep “Whine and Cheese” company, the pointless, fifteen-second inanity “The Hockey Song” edged onto Third World Genocide. Conversely, glints of fine-tuned thrash metal play a malicious game of peek-a-boo on the latest full-length by Nuclear Assault, as they only appear every so often. How often? Well, not enough. I’ll leave it at that.

Give me a minute to think of a ludicrous simile that fully summarizes Third World Genocide. Okay, I’ve got one. This sixth studio effort, emblazoned with the words Nuclear Assault on the cover, is as unstable as a blind man – on stilts – walking through a field littered with banana peels, during a hurricane and an earthquake. In closing, this hardly constitutes a comeback and should be avoided at all costs. Good riddance.


Official Nuclear Assault Website
Official SPV Records Website