Nuclear Blast Records Compilation Name?


New Metal Member
Jan 14, 2010
Hey. I'm looking for the name of a Nuclear Blast Records Compilation album that dates back to the mid to late 90's. I've scoured the net in search of the name of the album to find out who the band was on track 20. All that I know is two things:

1st: The cd cover art is a graphic depiction of a woman wearing a gas mask, breasts wrapped in rope (bondage) and unclothed.

2nd: Track 9 is Nativity in Black.

Any help getting the name of this album would be greatly appreciated.
I thought you were referring to the Nuclear Blast two-disc set: Out of the Dark and Into the Light or some gay title like that. Anyway, I've never heard it but I'm almost certain it's awful.

Not sure what you're referring to.