Nydvind - 2003 - Eternal Winter Domain


Grim to the bone \m/
Jul 28, 2003
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Check Nydvind out if you're fan of black/viking metal!! This album KICKS ASS! They kind of remind me of Enslaved!
Anyone heard of them?
Cool, do that! You won't be disappointed, long epic black metal songs. They are from Norway I think (as always).
IanDork107 said:
how do you pronounce that name?

just like Nydvind..heh...the 'y' is light though, not like the US way of pronouning Y....vind = wind...
pronounce v like a light w......I'm too tired to think of similar English words now! heh...
Anyway, Eternal Winter Domain sure rules! They're just as good as Enslaved, maybe better!