O/T 300

Bass Fellow

Feb 7, 2002
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Anyone see this yet?? It was pretty cool actually. I'm not hip on the Frank Miller aspect of it. The way it was filmed was definetly comic book like but unique compared to anything I've ever seen. Some good "war dialogue" too
"It's only an eye. The good Lord has graced me with a spare".:ill:
awesome movie, i went today and seen it at the imax (yesterdays shows were all sold out).

my showing was also sold out but we got there early enough to get a decent seat

"return with your shield or on it "
They did a good job on the movie. I was curious on how they were going to add the backstory (the whole thing with the Queen wasn't in the comic). And, I like that a lot of the battle shots were taken directly from the art.
Anyone see this yet?? It was pretty cool actually. I'm not hip on the Frank Miller aspect of it. The way it was filmed was definetly comic book like but unique compared to anything I've ever seen. Some good "war dialogue" too
"It's only an eye. The good Lord has graced me with a spare".:ill:

I liked the Frank Miller aspect. That keeps it from being just another boring action movie.
I liked it a lot. A lot different then everything else that has been coming out lately. Everything fit well. At first it was a little boring, but then the core action came in and kicked ass!