o/t Alice In Chains Singer Layne Staley Found Dead!


Mar 24, 2002
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i do not know if any of you are fans of a.i.c but i just thought i let everyone know.the full story is on the metal-sludge website.
i personally loved a.i.c and was hoping they would put out a new album.
i personally am a huge AIC fan and pretty upset about this. layne was one of my favorite vocalists.

this may come off as sounding bad, but it's trure that jerry wrote all the great aic songs, but they'd be nothing without layne.

thanks for the memories.
Alice was one of my favorite bands damnit. I usually don't get too bummed when somebody is stupid enough to die of a drug overdose but this really fucking sucks. R.I.P. Lane.
Jesus... I am speechless, my brothers and i grew up on this stuff (AIC, SG, PJ, etc.) and I've always heard there was hope that they'd get back together. This is truly a sad day for music.
My Buddy just called to tell me, and I had to come and check oput if it was true, and I guess it is. I have been a fan forever and cannot believe it. I to was hoping for a new Alice album. I am truly bummed by this......
I'm disappointed myself. The two new songs they did for the box set sounded like they were going back to their Dirt sound instead of the S/T's sound, and if they did an album like that to come out of semi-retirement would kick ass. Layne will be missed. They definetly were the second best grunge band(behind Soundgarden, of course. :grin: ).
MAN THAT SUCKS MAJOR ASS. Alice In Chains always were my ultimate favorite band, just next to Anthrax. I still can´t find any appropriate words what to say. Just maybe... "and we die young, faster we run"