O/T American Head Charge

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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What does everyone think about these guys? They are some local talent that made it big, and I am a pretty big fan. I make it to as many of there shows as I can, and they always put on a killer show. If you have not heard of them there first "Major Label Album" is called "The War of Art" Check it out it is really good.
I can't stress enough about how bad this band is, they really are horrible, the really suck, if you like metal, chances are you won't like this band, mallcore is a good name for it but doesn't describe how bad this band really is, I have nothing against One Man Stands, I just think this band is really talentless,TWO KEYBOARD PLAYERS!? And they aren't even good, they play noise at every possible chance they get, I saw them live with Slayer and I asked evryone I met why Slayer would take such a shitty band on tour, they were, well...HORRIBLE! The drummer is just crap, the singer does the whine(I hate the whine) and the guitarists apparently do not know how to play. I really cannot stress the fact that they are bad enough, they are so damn bad, they really suck!

*AJ realizes he is repeatng himself and stops*
That's cool! I have not heard much input from people since they put out their album last summer. Up here in Minnesota, it was a big deal obviosly, but I wondered how the rest of the world felt about them. I am biased of course, so my opinion does not matter as much. I agree they make alot of noise and are not very tight live, but I thought the album was decent.
"Colostomy" The Song is Seamless. Well I guess they do not have a huge following. I guess I thought they were better then they are. I still think the studio album sounds good. Some bands are not good live. I feel the same way about Slipknot. Awsome studio band, but live.............. needs work