O/T: Any Good Books Out Lately??

lets see... The "Series of Unfortunate Events" by Lemony Snicket is ok thier kid books, but I've heard they're realy twisted. The first one was alright. they're supposed to get better.
HP lovecraft is great. it depends on what you're into
-Jono the bookstore guy-
I'm currently reading Everything's Eventual by Stephen King.
It's good so far, but it's only on hardcover now.
Did you ever read The Green Mile? It's great. Or maybe some short stories by Ray Bradbury. Have you read The Illustrated Man (is that the correct title?)?
Barbara Olson's The Final Days does a great job at documenting the last frauds of Clinton while in office, like pardoning terrorists, a rich fugitive and relatives of campaign contributors and issuing tons of ridiculous executive orders. Olson died on Sept. 11 on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon.
Not sure if politics is your thing though...
I'm reading Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke. I've got this weirdo neighbor down the street, kinda rainman like, almost 60, still lives at home, washes dishes, has saved all his cash, and he reads books all the time. Good books like this. The guy is a genious with no avenue with which to express it because he is a social freak. But for whatever reason he always gives me boxes of books when he is done. I guess it is because I am the only neighbor that says hi to him (think of me as Corey Feldmans "Rickey" in the burbs, I talk to the wackos and eat breakfast with the elderly at McDonalds ) Anyway, this book is cool if history is your thing. I just watched Path to War on HBO. Great movie, great man (LBJ).
In the last 4 months I've read over 15 books, which is more than how many I read during the 7 years of school.

I've read the entire Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich, a few books by Mike Gayle (Mr Commitment, My legendary girlfriend, Turning 30) and a load of other random ones!
if you're into sci-fi/fantasy type stuff i just finished book 4 of stephen king's darktower series. king's "four past midnight" is good also. also, "good omens" by neil gaiman and terry pratchet is cool. it's about the antichrist who is switched at birth with another baby and doesn't know he's the antichrist and the kid who heaven and hell have been watching is really a normal kid. eventually he keeps armageddon from happening. i've also read james clemen's "the banned and the banished" series. there are 4 books so far, the first being"witch fire". very cool story. david farland's "runelords" series is another favorite of mine. there are 3 in it so far, the first is self titled. and last but not least probably my favorite story that got me into reading heavily a couple years ago, c.s. friedman's "coldfire trilogy" - "black sun rising", "when true night falls", and "crown of shadows".

Thra:rofl:ude, my friend just finished Everything's Eventual, she told me about the dude who went golfing...sounded pretty interesting. I read The Green Mile when it came out, when it first came out and you had to buy the six tiny books instead of an actual book at all once like you can get now. The only Ray Bradbury I read was Something Wicked This Way Comes in like junior high I think, but I always go back and reread it every once in a while.

I was never really into non-fiction, but I think I need to branch out a bit.

Actually, NFF, they do!!! :lol:

French Revolution...makes me wish I paid attention in social studies...

My sister LOVED the Stephanie Plum series, but again, her taste is so far off from mine, I usually ignore her. I suppose once again I'll have to give in and listen.

I'm working on the Dark Tower, I finished the first two and I'm somewhere in the middle of the third one, but I'm really going to have to go back and reread everything because I don't really remember much about it except that you really do need to know what's going on. I was stupid and read the second one first and walked around scratching my head for months til I read the first one. I did read all of the Left Behind series, which is enough of that subject for me for a while (the last one really pissed me off). I think I'll make a trip to the library soon...Thanks guys.
hey thraxdude-
have you read bradbury's newest book? it's a complete novel. I can't remember what it was called. But he started writing it a long time ago. HE wrote quite a few stories that he compiled and edited together to make the book. Ity's basically the Addams family. In fact when he wrote the stories Charles Addams illistrated them, and then later created the Addams FAmily series.
it's good stuff. My favorite story will always be Pillar of Fire. I hope you've read it. I'm not sure what books it's in if any that are still in print. I have R is for Rocket which is out of print and it's in that one. I realy suggest that one to anyone. But you'll have to check it out from a library.
I've been annoyed by the Dark Tower series. I didn't find the first one all that good, but I kept reading nevertheless. The second and third parts had their moments, but I find it hard to get into the books. However, as I was reading the second chapter of the fourth book, I asked myself why I was continuing to read when I didn't like it...I was torn between completing something I'd started, and not wasting my time on something that I didn't enjoy. I finally went for the latter.

I wish I had more time for leisurely reading, but between now and the end of next year, I have to know two volumes of 1500 page textbooks inside-out, not to mention hundreds of "critical" journal articles from Freud to Prozac. I guess I'll have to wait a year before I can make use of this thread. :cry:
Yeah, I know. We had the 18 week ultrasound today...everything looks good! Once the radiologist interprets it, we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl. I'll post the new "baby picture" of Ybabnikufesin to my website once I get it scanned in. :)
HUH?? When the radiologist interprets it?? The tech told us right then and there...see that?? That's a penis. Who won the bet?? :lol: She even paused the picture, and wrote <--- BOY right next to it!! :lol: Then the doctor came in and told us everything she already said, except he had some med students or some shit with him and asked if I would "mind" if he spent more time on it showing them. No, please don't let me see my baby anymore than you absolutely have to!!! Doctors, gotta love 'em. 18 weeks, I'm jealous. I'm 11. *sigh* They make us wait til 20 weeks for the ultrasound though. Don't mind me, I'm a little whiny today because my back is killing me. :)
The tech was very secretive...I'm betting she was fairly new and didn't want to say anything that might be wrong. The radiologist wasn't even in the building, and won't even see the thing until later this afternoon.

At least at 11 weeks, you're getting out of the "danger" zone, so that's good news anyway. Just think, you're a quarter of the way there... :lol:
Well, I guess a secretive tech is better than a wrong one. Will they call you or make you wait until your next doctor's appointment? Here they'd make us wait til my next doctor's appointment and send it to the doctor and ignore me completely. The other day I pondered the joy of leaving my first trimester behind, but I can't stop thinking, okay 11 down, TWENTY-NINE to go. I got a 9-week picture, but it was still TOTALLY alien, not just partially, at least we saw the heartbeat even if everything else looked like something from the X-Files. Did Ybabnikufesin flip you off again?? :lol:
Nah, the cheap bastards don't get paid if they tell us over the phone...we have to go see them so they can bill for it. I'd complain, but I'll probably be in a similar postion in a little over a year. :lol:

No finger this time...it's hand was up against it's face. Might have been sucking it's thumb, or maybe it was picking it's nose (it's a scratch!).

Who knows, maybe it won't be a full 29...second babies have a tendancy to come out a bit sooner for some reason...just as long as it's not too early.
Originally posted by Jono
hey thraxdude-
have you read bradbury's newest book? it's a complete novel.

No I haven't. I haven't read Pillar of Fire either, but I will try to. I've got a bunch of books I bought, but haven't read yet.
That's because, no matter what book I plan on reading, when a new Stephen King book comes out, I'm all over it.

You should read [/I]Heart's In Atlantis[/I] or The Talisman if you need a change of pace. Then read Black House after you've read The Talisman and all of the Dark Tower series that are out now.
Black House is fucking great, but you should read the other books first...