O/T: Blizzard of '03 has me all f'd up


I'm not complaining, I haven't worked for days ( i do have to make those days up in the summer though - can you say "movie time") But laying around watching DVD's, playing video games whenever I want to, not waking up til noon, staying up until 4. Tomorrow I have to get up and be at the Doctors by 7:30, I won't fall asleep until at least 3, and there is no way I will wake back up. Oh well, that's my rant. How is life for those with regularly scheduled employment. :)
ive seem how bad the blizzards are on the news ,luckily in my neck of the woods it dont snow.

what we do need here in australia is a good soaking of rain,havent had a good couple of days of rain for god knows how long.
Oh actually, I'm loving it, I just feel like Kramer in that Seinfeld episode where he slept 20 minutes every two hours, and had too much time on his hands. I've played countless games of basketball ( i still suck), tried conquering Jedi Outcast for my cube, read a couple of books (Democracy in America and Moby Dick), listened to the entire Armored Saint catalogue in my hottub as it snowed (don't know what inspired this idea, but it has now been done), watched Highlander Season One on DVD and several movies, watched and/or listened to the last 5 Laker games.
Its 75 degrees today in Orlando and as a matter of fact, I went to my University gym and swam outside with about 10-15 hotass swimmer chickies yesterday. Swimmer chickies have kickass bodies. Its hard to swim laps when you are spending most of your effort trying to look at them underwater............
I farm so I'm home all the time but my wife's a teacher and she's already been off well over 2 weeks total this year which means no spring break for her this year. I have a feeling that when all this snow melts and with the heavy rain we're supposed to get tomorrow she's gonig to miss even more for flooding next week. That sucks but it's been cool having her and the kids around. I got to take my 2 1/2 year old sled riding for the 1st time the other day and it was a fucking blast. I think I had more fun then he did.
This week I have classes every day coz my colleague took vacation! Otherwise I have to get up early only 3 days out of 5 and this week just seems to last forever.
I called in sick today. Because I'm sick. Have a bad cold. I want to hook a vacuum up to my nose to suck out all the snot.

I've been thinking about picking up a GameCube, to add to my Xbox and PlayStation 2. There's a promotion going on where you buy a GameCube and recieve a free game (Metroid Prime would be my pick). So I've been thinking about getting a GameCube all morning.
Oh, and pre-ordering Zelda: Wind Waker......

I could use a long nap, too...
Originally posted by Armored Thrax
Its 75 degrees today in Orlando and as a matter of fact, I went to my University gym and swam outside with about 10-15 hotass swimmer chickies yesterday. Swimmer chickies have kickass bodies. Its hard to swim laps when you are spending most of your effort trying to look at them underwater............

pics to proof please!!!!!!!!!
I went on a four day binge during all this snow. There's a convenience store downstairs from my apt and we just drank and drank and drank and drank. Never looked at the clock once. Passed out every once in a while, woke up and drank and drank......... oh and I posted on here every once too. Alot of loving too. My girlfriend's been stuck with me this whole time and she's a junior in college. It's been nice being stuck with a hot college chick plus 2 of her roomates were stuck here too. They're hot too.
Come on ALEX where are the fuckin pictures!!!!!!
During the storm I basically did the same thing. Drank, fucked, watched porn, drank, fucked, drank, was to drunk to fuck, passed out, went to work, drank at work.
I was off Monday, and by Tuesday morning we accumulated about 3 feet of snow, with a 5 and a half foot drift at the foot of the driveway. Now I was planning to go to work, give my two weeks notice, and wait for them to send me home. Figuring that my bosses have a further trip than me, and wouldn't show, I stayed home. I go in Wed., give notice, and the a-holes milk a day of work outta me, only to tell me on Thursday, go home. So here I am with three weeks off (two with pay) until my new job begins.

So I've been lifting weights, playing PS2, watching hockey, playing guitar, and drinking Jack and Cokes and Glen Livets non-stop. Today is my first day without wandering my house in my pajamas carrying a scotch glass like I'm Hugh Hefner or something.

Ahh, it's good to be king.