O/T Buying albums on ITunes


Married with Children
Nov 20, 2003
Anyone besides me hate it. I mean I grew up buying Records, then tapes, then Cd's, but as long as I took care of them, I always had them. (Tapes being the worse medium, man they would not last). Anyways buying a album off ITunes just sucks because I feel like I really don't own it, being I am not holding it in my hands and I don't have the album artwork and such. It sucks too because I live in a area where you cannot just go and pick albums up anymore. Even new releases, Could not find the damned things anywhere!! So that being said, any opinions??
Anyone besides me hate it. I mean I grew up buying Records, then tapes, then Cd's, but as long as I took care of them, I always had them. (Tapes being the worse medium, man they would not last). Anyways buying a album off ITunes just sucks because I feel like I really don't own it, being I am not holding it in my hands and I don't have the album artwork and such. It sucks too because I live in a area where you cannot just go and pick albums up anymore. Even new releases, Could not find the damned things anywhere!! So that being said, any opinions??

just use torrents
That'd be the same as downloading it from iTunes, though. It's not a physical copy, and the only difference is that he didn't pay for it.
Anyone besides me hate it. I mean I grew up buying Records, then tapes, then Cd's, but as long as I took care of them, I always had them. (Tapes being the worse medium, man they would not last). Anyways buying a album off ITunes just sucks because I feel like I really don't own it, being I am not holding it in my hands and I don't have the album artwork and such. It sucks too because I live in a area where you cannot just go and pick albums up anymore. Even new releases, Could not find the damned things anywhere!! So that being said, any opinions??

I buy albums on Itunes every now and then. I like to discover new music, and sometimes buy records based on reviews or word of mouth. In that respect, Itunes is ok because it's less expensive than a cd, so if an album turns out to be shite it doesn't feel like I've wasted too much money. If the album is really good, I can always buy a physical copy later...when it's on sale.

I always buy physical copies of must-have albums (a new Anthrax album would fall into that category). I usually order them from www.play.com.
They're fairly cheap and shipping is free of charge.

Not sure if they ship to the US though.
I never buy shit digitally. If I like a band enough to want to purchase their music I will either order the physical CD online and have it shipped to me or will find a store that has it.

Itunes really pisses me off. I don't even have an Ipod because I hate how structured the entire apple system is. How you have to use their own Itunes and it has all kinds of restrictions. Apple takes a fairly good chunk of the profit from a CD sale. By the time the artist gets paid its watered down so much that the profits are really small.

If I buy a song I want to own it and do what ever the fuck I want with it. Not have a company like Apple dictate what I do with it.

A physical CD I own. I can burn it, rip it, play it on any device etc.

I have the Droid X so that I can drag and drop music files onto my phone for playback. Don't have to fuck with Apple Itunes and Syncing anything. I can import / export any songs I want without some fucked up conflict. Or if I get a new computer I don't have to reinstall Itunes and have the content copyrighted or what ever the fuck in order to re- upload the songs to a new device or burn to a CD.

I despise Apple and Itunes and am so glad there finally are other legitimate solutions that people can use instead of Ipod.
similar to protools equipment,u can only use authorised stuff or it wont work,i think kid rock said he wont use itunes even acdc,they make 1 cent for every purchase or something like that...