O/T Cats or Dogs??

Feb 11, 2002
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I know this is off topic put I was curious about your all's pets.
Me I like cats got two Anya and Zoe. We got a dog two hes a little ankle biter his name is Pete. Cats are cooler because they just dont give a fuck. You can put a bunch of food and water down and go away for the weekend. You cant do that with a dog. So what kind of pets do you all have? Any body got reptiles or birds? I would like to get a bird bur my wife is not hip to the idea.
I've had mostly dogs all my life, a black lab/terrier mix (Mars) in elementary school-my parents got rid of him for trashing the furniture, a mini-Pinscher (Poochie) in high school that died of a heart defect, and a pit bull later in high school (Joker) that I gave away when I moved out here because he was too big to keep in an apartment. Right before we got engaged we got a black lab/chow mix that we had to put down last November because she ate something outside that poisoned her. We're not getting another dog until we're in a house, but it'll be a black lab, hopefully a purebred this time, all the mutts I've had, even though they are supposed to be great, are a pain in the ass. I had a cat (Elf, uh, Ellefson, get it? har har) when I met my husband, but he's allergic to them, so there goes that idea. (I gave him to my sister, who already had his brother and daughter). Actually, I was allergic too, but I wasn't home enough to worry about it much. I LOVED the fact that he didn't require that much work. He spent most of his time in the closet. He came out to eat and shit and went right back in. Every once in a while he'd come try to hog my pillow, but that was rare and usually if it was raining (also rare). So I didn't feel bad about working as many hours as I was at the time. I had a turtle when I was little too, he lasted twice his expected lifetime, which was cool. My sister-in-law is breeding turtles now and wants to give one to my son, but I think he's a bit young for a pet yet. But my husband LOVES turtles so we'll probably end up taking it anyway. I like birds as long as they belong to someone else. They are too noisy and messy for me. Maybe after my kids are grown and I get an urge to clean 24/7, but other than that, I don't see any birds in my house any time soon.
I have had dogs,cats,hamsters,ferrets and turtles but my favorite ones are cats.they are just like humans.they go with you when they feel like it,they don't demand caring all day long and they are independant.besides they are always playful
I'm a dog person myself, but our home is currently pet-free. Once my wife and I got married, we decided we see if we could keep plants alive first, then move up to smaller animals like fish, then to a dog. If we were able to keep the dog alive, then we figured we'd be ready to give kids a try. :lol:

Well, we've skipped a couple steps. Only six weeks (give or take) to Ybabnikufesin!
Well, since "Ybabnikufesin" has been long since vetoed by my wife (I wonder why), we're going with Antonio Joseph. And yes, we already know it's a boy, but we've got Amanda Mercedes lined up in case the ultrasound was wrong.
They both rule! I've got two dogs. Priscilla, a little 4 1/2 lb yorkshire terrier that stays inside and my watchdog, Cosmo a mini-shepherd Chow mix. The funny thing, is Prissy is the dog that thinks she is big and bad, and Cosmo is just too dumb to be mean, unless she is really hungry. Cats. I've got two as well. My alley cat, which is allowed out to prowl for mice and birds is named Peter Criss (he answers to Pete, Petey, Peter, Peter Criss, or PC) when he is not out singing Beth and Hard Luck Woman he chills in my house. My inside cat has no outside survival instincts, she is a big white hemilayan named Sophia, she is a stuck up bitch, but she doesn't ask for much. I love all my pets the same. Cosmo and me walk alot. But PC is my bud most of the time. He is always there, he follows me like a dog. He is a cool little cat.
Dogs are cool. I don't like cats because I'm allergic to them, and they know it, so they always try to get on my lap.
I had a red tailed Boa once. A friend gave it to me. That was cool. It's like having the Discovery Channel in your living room!
But I moved out from the girl I was with and she kept it.
"Cats are cooler because they actually don't give a fuck."

Couldn't have said better.
Cats get my vote.
.......just when you get used to them being by your side...they die......leaving you heartbroken,clutching their blanket and squeezing their favourite toy......I have a Tarantula,it shows no affection towards me whatsoever....I feed it,it hates me,I clean its cage, it hates me.........this should make it easier when it dies.........I think :cry:
Funny, I was just thinking this morning that I would start a thread about pets but you guys already had the same thought :eek: Wow, we are starting to think too much alike :eek:

But anyhow, I think you will all be able to appreciate this story. When I first meet Deatte(now my wife) she already had a golden english lab named Charlie. She actually adopted this dog and she was already named Charlie, and we recently had a friend of the family offer us a all black kitten with green/yellow eyes. The cat is so fucking cool, it looks like a witches cat for sure, straight out of a horror movie so we had to take it. We thought about names for quite awhile, but then it came to me! We already have Charlie, so why not name the cat Frankie, which we did. My wife actually thought it was a good idea when I explained to her that Charlie and Frankie of Anthrax are related so we named our new cat Frankie :lol:

Maybe I'll get some more pets and add John, Scott, and Rob to the mix :D


MY fiance have a cat Nina. I like cats most but I want to get a wolfhound, I also want to eventualy get a sugar glider. When I'm ritch I plan on devoting a full room to a sugar glider so it can have room to run er jump er glide or whatever around.
I love you guys, but fuckin come on........


Ya'll have proved which is better......"Cat's don't give a fuck"

However, get the right dog, treat it right and the fuckin thing will die for you.....

By the way I have two Bassett Hounds......"Budweiser" and "Clyde"
I have a Black lab/Golden retriever Mix. He is a pain but I gota love him. He just has to much energy for me to keep up with sometimes. His name is Kirby(After the baseball player, not the vacuum!). I had a cat growing up and they are cool to cuz you do not have to constantly give them attention.
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
Jono, excuse me for being clueless, but WTF is a sugar glider??

And Ty, Shepherd/chow?? Mini?? She must be interesting-looking... (Only cause I've had a mini and also a chow mix).

She is a mut, but she is a very beautiful dog. I enjoy walking her because she gets a lot of compliments and questions "wow, what kind of dog is that." I have no idea where she came from. There was this crack dealer down the block from my house (serious story) and although he was a shady ass drug dealer, I always enjoyed talking to him. Also, the best way to keep the nighborhood thugs from stealing your shit, is to be thier friend. So anyway, anytime he had something hot, I'd buy it! It got to the point where I'd order stuff. "No, Duke, I want a NEW vcr, in the box, still sealed, not this used one" and I'd get it in an hour. One day I mentioned I wanted a German Shepherd - next day he brought this litter and asked me to pick!!! He is in jail now, he was a damn good neighbor.

PS- he was dumber than hell too, I told him I wanted a satelitte, and he brought me a mini dish that he just yanked from someones house, I was like "duke, this won't work, but I'll keep it and buy you a case of beer dude!!"
Originally posted by TD
She is a mut, but she is a very beautiful dog.

Actually TD,

It seems to me that some of the best looking dogs are muts! :confused:

Surprised, well my sister in law has a dog named Setiva, that is one of the best looking dogs I've ever seen. The Dog is a German Shepard/Blue Heeler/chow/and something else all mixed together. The dog has one of the best personalities I've ever seen. There is alittle melody that I can sing to her,(and she only gets excited when I sing it) that makes her bark wildly and stare me down and it's a crack up. The melody is kinda like a tuba sound and it drives her nuts. Dogs kick ass, but I still prefer both cats and dogs.

As for your comment Armored Thrax about "Real Men Don't own cats", I can only tell you that I'm a Leo, and I don't think I could hate cats, after all, I'm a cat :D

