O/T: conference championship games SUCKED


Fuck, I missed my Sunday Night Basketball league, threw together some good appetizers, fired up the hot-tub, got a boatload of Sam Adams, invited some friends over, and the games blew goats. One of my buds did bring over an awesome book on Lee Harvey Oswald, so atleast I can read that later.
Anyway. I think if TO is healthy, Philly can win the Superbowl. But without, not a prayer.

P.S. I don't have to work tomorrow! SNOW DAY
I gave up on all sports. Never like football, Basketball has gone to the thugs, Hockey players bitch more about there salarys then baseball players and the Yankees made me lose faith in a greater good. Fuck every one of those over paid assholes. From now on I go to minor league games only. At least they got heart... You guys want a real sport check out european rugby. That shit is intense!!!!!!!
If this lockout ever ends you'll see some NHL teams fold. I wouldn't be shocked to see the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim go away. It wouldn't bother me. I'm an LA Kings fan :D

Anyway, the league expanded way too soon and far overestimated their popularity in the mid nineties. It was just a temporary spike and didn't last. Don't blame the players. The owners put themselves in this position by giving ridiculous salaries. There's your hockey update. We now return to your regularly scheduled sarcasm, foul language, sexual discussions and otherwise derelict behavior. lol


Hocky? whats that?

The hocky players are overpaid. its a fact. Owners have to make money and the league has to make money. It all needs scaled back. Anybody listen to ESPN radio. Every day that hocky is on lockout this guy in the afternoon plays "Brass Bananza" the Hartford Wailers fight song, for some reason it cracks me up when I hear it...