O/T: Epicenter & Uproar Fest 2011 announced


True Fan
Feb 5, 2005
California USA


Both shows look top notch. Attended last year's Uproar, was kickass. :kickass::headbang:
I just looked up their new one...oh god picking up right where they left off, so horrible! Just imagine bitch-slapping Durst all throughout the video and you might make it all the way through:puke:
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I just looked up their new one...oh god picking up right where they left off, so horrible! Just imagine bitch-slapping Durst all throughout the video and you might make it all the way through:puke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i_qxQztHRI


This shit really makes me angry. Who the fuck would actually enjoy this garbage? Who would seriously buy this CD or go purchase concert tickets to see them live? :puke::puke::puke:

This shit really makes me angry. Who the fuck would actually enjoy this garbage? Who would seriously buy this CD or go purchase concert tickets to see them live? :puke::puke::puke:

You know I still have my old 'Limp Bizkit Sucks Dick'-shirt somewhere, but I don't see any reason to get angry here. In fact, I wish LB all the success in the world so I can hate them again! :lol:
I once almost got into a scuffle with Fred Durst. They were opening for Faith No More back in like 1997 . As me and my friend were walking in to the club, some dude was shadow boxing in the alley like a retard and ran into us. We retaliated and were broken up. Upon entering the club we order drinks and settle in. Lo and behold, the jerk in the alley was the singer of the opening band. Little did we know that they were gonna take the USA by storm with a song about nookie .
I once almost got into a scuffle with Fred Durst. They were opening for Faith No More back in like 1997 . As me and my friend were walking in to the club, some dude was shadow boxing in the alley like a retard and ran into us. We retaliated and were broken up. Upon entering the club we order drinks and settle in. Lo and behold, the jerk in the alley was the singer of the opening band. Little did we know that they were gonna take the USA by storm with a song about nookie .

Hahahaha awesome story. Thats around the time I first heard of them, when they broke onto MTV with their George Michael cover 'Faith'.