O\T: Heart Problem

Hows everything man?? I haven't been posting that much because all the drama and shit playing out here has me reading more than posting....I don't know much about the reunion or it's effect on anyone but it's affected this and Billy's board quite a bit!!.... Johnnies off to see Priest!! If they're even half as good as they were at Ozzfest...He's in for an awesome show!!

And remember bro, My gun is never pointed at you!!! It's pointed at any sneaky mother fuckers who think they can get you from behind!!:yow: :yow: :yow:

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
HOLY SHIT!!!! It's T-Man!!!!!I always enjoy seeing your gun pointed at my face avatar:yow:
That's something I don't know about....I wish her all the best though!!

anthraxfan442 said:
She said she has this hole in her heart that's been growing all her life, and it's starting to get really bad. Its kinda like a heart murmur, i guess
anthraxfan442 said:
She said she has this hole in her heart that's been growing all her life, and it's starting to get really bad. Its kinda like a heart murmur, i guess
My sister had a hole in her heart. And she had a blood clot because of it. She had a stroke when she was about 23!!!
Your friend should get surgery ASAP. I'm not sure what you mean about getting her support...? Ask me anything, and I'll talk to my sister about it, dude.
I talked to her today, and the doc gave her steroids to have the heart grow around the hole. That should help. thank you guys for your support and help. I'll post tomorrow if anything changes. thanks again.
My dad has a hole in his heart, had it all his life. He's now 70 and still works harder then probably most 20-year-olds do. It's nothing to take lightly but it's definitely not the end of the world either. As long as she's going to a Dr. and getting it taken care of she should be fine.
I heard that having a hole in your heart may be hereditary.
I hope your friend is okay, anthraxfan.