OK, more of a plug for my station, but the fact remains: YOU GUYS KICK ASS!
In June of this year, I had suffered a horrible lost, and I had no outlet at all to express myself, and then I decided to take my money and do something to make me happy; Start a radio station. I had wanted to do this for years, and I finally had a chance. So I took the money and started Mark Skull Pirate Radio.
What started out as a small operation with only 5 dedicated listeners and a few live shows has grown into a Top 10 Extreme Metal station, one of the highest-ranked Overall Stations, and a ever-expanding fan base!
Today, I got the new numbers in, and they are the BEST I have EVER seen! WE FINALLY BROKE 500 TOTAL LISTENING HOURS IN A MONTH!
That means more people are tuning in, listening to kick-ass metal! More and more people are telling others about the station, and that is just AWESOME! I would like to thank each and ever single one of you for taking the time to listen to the station, be it the live shows or just the regular rotation of kick-ass metal, you guys KICK ASS!
I've gotten a lot of e-mails and PM from people here telling me they like to tune in, and how happy they are to have the station. I've heard people listen to it at work and people are just kinda shocked! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!
So, again, thank you for the support! If you want, I'll replay the famous Iron Maiden Protest show tonight for you all!
-Larry West
In June of this year, I had suffered a horrible lost, and I had no outlet at all to express myself, and then I decided to take my money and do something to make me happy; Start a radio station. I had wanted to do this for years, and I finally had a chance. So I took the money and started Mark Skull Pirate Radio.
What started out as a small operation with only 5 dedicated listeners and a few live shows has grown into a Top 10 Extreme Metal station, one of the highest-ranked Overall Stations, and a ever-expanding fan base!
Today, I got the new numbers in, and they are the BEST I have EVER seen! WE FINALLY BROKE 500 TOTAL LISTENING HOURS IN A MONTH!

That means more people are tuning in, listening to kick-ass metal! More and more people are telling others about the station, and that is just AWESOME! I would like to thank each and ever single one of you for taking the time to listen to the station, be it the live shows or just the regular rotation of kick-ass metal, you guys KICK ASS!
I've gotten a lot of e-mails and PM from people here telling me they like to tune in, and how happy they are to have the station. I've heard people listen to it at work and people are just kinda shocked! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!
So, again, thank you for the support! If you want, I'll replay the famous Iron Maiden Protest show tonight for you all!

-Larry West