O/T How many of you knew this about DVDs and CDs

this guy rocks


NP: Aerosmith - March 24, 1978 Columbus, OH
jdelpi said:
You learn something new every day.

I knew they wouldn't last forever, as nothing does. But that had some good insight.

"Learning that we're only immortal, for a limited time." - Rush

I didn't realize about scratches on the label side of the CD. Makes sense why some of my older CDs wont work.
common sense really but dont u hate it when u try and get a dvd outta the case for the first time...it is labelled press here to release but u still have to practically bend it to get it out lol,thankfully i havent broken one yet,cds are def weaker,i remember years ago when people first started buying them people would drop them on the floor or chuck them and not once did they scratch,these days cds are made outta the weakest stuff possible.
jdelpi said:
I HATE the DVD holding part of MOMD's case. Why the FUCK do they make them so it's difficult to pull the DVD out? In hopes that we fuck up the DVD and have to buy a new one?
exactly my point,record companies want us to buy double of everything to make up for there supposed shortcomings lol
they did a test on foto cd's a couple of months ago and none would stand the test of time!!most of the cheap ones had a better score then the expensive ones. So therefore a demand a print out version of a naked BuddyLoveette for every board member!!
mine, well heres what i do, i like to buy a cd a week, and if theres nothing i deem as worth buying i replace a more beat up cd. of course i keep the older version, so if i have a friend that i want to get into metal i can let them borrow it and not worry if i get it back, or what condition that its in. plus i keep everything stored on my computer so if something does happen i can make a new copy till i can buy one.
jdelpi said:
I made CDR copies of the albums I listen to the most so I can transport them in my car a lot. I especially make CDR copies of CDs from box sets.

I used to do that. I then bought an Ipod. That is even better than cds.