O/T: Is Baseball Going to Strike Again??


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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I heard it on the radio this morning, they were going on and on about how if it happens it'll never recover, but it'll never be overwith completely because there's nothing else on during the summer, blah blah blah, then people started calling in about it and I was just wondering if my radio station is talking out of their asses (once again) or if there is some validity to all of this because I haven't heard one thing about it and I've actually been watching baseball this season. Any ideas??
I don't know.
All I know is that the Rockies are sucking ass, and the Indians were doing good...for about a week.

I don't really care if they go on strike, to be honest. They make a shit load of money to stand out there on the field and wait for something to happen.
Maybe no one cares...(no offense, bRaT. I care about your thread, but I mean maybe no one cares about baseball.)

I know. When we heard this, my husband and I were like huh? Strike?? But then we talked about how baseball probably wouldn't recover from another one, especially less than 10 years from the last one, because of how outrageous the salaries are to begin with, and we also talked about how before the strike like every game of every ball park would get sold out and now they can barely sell half the ball park most of the time, especially teams that have nothing going, like the Tigers ( :p ThraxMan) or pretty much anyone that doesn't make it far in the playoffs. Right now the DBacks are having problems because they keep insisting on leaving the roof open and it's too fucking hot here for that shit. I wouldn't go down there either if I could see the same thing in my nice air conditioned (igloo) apartment for free. The Mets started out good this year too but now they're barely breaking even. We need more than one sport over the summer.
Basically, if there is no agreement in place by a certain time the owners have the right to unilateraly impose new rules and regulations, such as a sort of salary cap/luxury tax. The date being thrown out right now is October 1. They'd strike after the regular season is over.

I'm a Dodger fan and they're doing ok, but my interest in baseball has waned greatly since I was a Fernando-maniac in the early 80s. If you're looking for another sport to get you through the summer, try arena football. It's great! Go Avengers!!!!!!!!!

That article is talking August 12...

Arena football's not bad. I watch the Rattlers from time to time. The last few years I would watch whenever there was a game on (I even knew all the players' names and numbers and shit), now I watch when there's nothing else more interesting on. I was such a sports fanatic when I was a kid, now I have to force myself to be interested. It sucks.
My friend and I have seats four rows up from the visiting team's bench. We talk trash all game long and we get a lot of help from the people around us. LA draws decently but the fans that do show up aren't your typical LA fans...we get loud!! The beers are way the hell too expensive at Staples Center, but they don't water them down so it gives you a decent buzz. :) You can get tickets for as cheap as $8 in LA.

The Rattlers scored a TD with two seconds left to beat LA a few weeks ago. It was a damned good game.

Back to baseball, they're a rudderless ship right now. The commissioner is the former owner of the Brewers. The least they could do would get an owner of a team that didn't completely SUCK to be commissioner! It's a complete joke.

We crazy Canadians have the Canadian Football league to watch during the summer...much more entertaining than baseball IMO (sorry, but watching baseball rates right up there with watching golf). Of course, I think the CFL is a hell of a lot more exciting than the NFL for that matter, so to each his own... :lol:
Baseball is already over isn't it?? No offense baseball fans, but mainstream doesn't care anymore. The NBA is more popular for Christ's sake, and that is the NBA without the legitimate Micheal Jordan. The NHL will soon pass over the Major League in popularity. Much less the NFL, it is now the national past time. Baseball is already playing to half houses, another strike and it is over!!
Brat princess, I love the open roof of Bank one ballpark. Obviously, it needs to be closed from July till September but I hate how most Arizona people are old whiney people that can't stand the heat. Heck, most baseball stadiums back east are open roofed and they have it worse, heat and humidity, yet I still loved going to ball games back in Detroit and Cleveland.
Baseball fucking sucks. I hope they do strike. In this "honk your horn if the bastard in front of you is still sitting there .5 seconds after the light has turned green" type of society we live in now, no one really wants to plunk down $40 to see some fat bastard like Rich Garces take 3 minutes to jog from the bullpen to the pitcher's mound. Some players are making in excess of 80,000 dollars a game for crying out loud, and baseball revenue has doubled since the last strike, but both sides are still whining about how unfair the world is. Fuck them. Baseball's popularity is based solely on its history. Without that, noone would give a damn about it, and noone will give a damn about it anymore when they do strike again.
Originally posted by DeadGuy35
Baseball fucking sucks. I hope they do strike. In this "honk your horn if the bastard in front of you is still sitting there .5 seconds after the light has turned green" type of society we live in now, no one really wants to plunk down $40 to see some fat bastard like Rich Garces take 3 minutes to jog from the bullpen to the pitcher's mound. Some players are making in excess of 80,000 dollars a game for crying out loud, and baseball revenue has doubled since the last strike, but both sides are still whining about how unfair the world is. Fuck them. Baseball's popularity is based solely on its history. Without that, noone would give a damn about it, and noone will give a damn about it anymore when they do strike again.

YEP! Baseball is living off of it's past. Just read Bob Costa's book:For the Love of the Game . Why on earth would a family in or around Cleveland go to an Indians game when it is gonna cost well over $100 for tix and food, when they go to Akron and see the Aeros play for a fraction. Same for Cincy, why go watch the suck ass Reds when you watch the Dragons in Dayton for a fraction. This is one major reason why major league ballparks ore half full, and minor league joints are packed to the gills. People that really do love baseball are saying "Fuck off MLB" And I love it!!!!!