O/T: Is it just me...

quote, jim morrison:
"when the music's over, turn out the lights".

yes this is sad and very crazy! surely they can't still call it 'the doors'???
this is an interesting topic - how many members in a band make up 'the name'? eg. what if scott left this incarnation of anthrax and decided a start a new band, will he still be able to call it anthrax? (as he is the only original member). in axl's case it seems that he owns the 'name' GnR.
i dunno, the doors without morrison? i can't believe they can do that. it does stink of old, has been musicians trying to make a quick buck (call me a cynic!).
as a doors fan, this really disappoints me and is quite disrespectful to jim and is in very bad taste. but i guess if they pass through london, i'll probably go and see the show (along with thousands of other guys who missed them the first time round...)
m a x
It is sad unless people show up. If it is what the people want to see then so be it. As much as I hate the hairbands, they still draw, so rather than bitch, I just stay home. Although I agree, it sounds quite lame. But we all have differences of opinion. After my last two Sabbath shows - I'm done, Ozzy is hit, the guy doesn't know what city he is in, and all he can do is ask to see "your fucking cigarette lighters." But people still go to Ozzfest, so let it continue. Rock touring is democracy in action, people "vote" by buying a ticket.......... By the same token, some people want KISS, the Who, and the Stones to go away, but whenever they tour, thousands show up, and that usually includes me, and I have fun and will continue to go. I have Stones tix in hand, McCartney tix in hand, and if KISS do a 30th anniversary tour I will go (although if it is with Thayer and Singer I probably won't do my usually 3-4 shows and wind up spending the usually $1,500 Ty/Kiss fund, I'll buy one cheap ticket for one show and judge from there)
Stuart Copeland is one of my favorite drummers, so I'm kind of interested to see what comes of this. Not interested enough to see a show or buy a cd, but interested enough to pay attention. And as far as this being disrespectful to Jim Morrison; I don't think anyone can do anything to disrespect Jim worse than what he did to himself. I like the Doors, but have a very low opinion of Jim Morrison. He wrote some cool poems and had a cool voice, but he wasn't a genius. He was a burnout and a pathetic drunk. Shit, Manzarek and co. have been beating that dead horse for years, this isn't the first time they've tried to make a quick buck off their former glory. Good or bad, it should at least be interesting....

As long as they do shows of songs they all ready have, I'll be okay with it. But if they start writing new songs, it just won't be the same without Jim's lyrics(I know that Krieger(sp?) wrote the lyrics to light my fire, but still, it's Morrison!).
I'm not sure what I think. One hand, it is sad to me. How many decades has it been? LET IT GO!! But at the same time, how many times have those guys been on VH1 in the last even ten years, let alone what they did before "music television". Are we really surprised about this? Didn't they do a Storytellers or some crap with Astbury recently? I'd probably be interested in anything Stewart Copeland did, enough to, like Jeff, pay attention. It is true, though, that it will happen and continue to happen if people pay for it. I said that in another thread and everyone acted like I was talking out of my ass. That's how it works though, like it or not, in any genre there is. If execs smell money, they sign it, regardless of how ridiculous it might be. Some people will show up to anything.
If the new Doors toured, I'd go see 'em. Last chance to see 60s classics in action. Remember that the original Doors geezers are old and might die soon :cry:

To be honest, I'd always thought that the Doors had been good with their legacy. No constant reunion gigs (in fact no gigs at all for 30 years!) and no more cheap "best ofs" than any other old band...I don't see this as being as chatty as the rest of you do...
maybe it's not a money thing maybe they want to do stuff agian. Either way I'll give them a chance if I like them then I'll buy thier music even if it's nothing like the origional doors. I base what I like on what sounds good to me and what strikes home.
Funny... Astbury=Morrison?
Well I've seen Dead Kennedys sans Biafra... and if you can have Who sans Moon and Entwistle...and Axl without voice and credibility...
How can you make that comparison? Jim Morrison WAS The Doors. Everyone knows who Jim Morrison is, but how many people are there out there that could even name any of the other members.

Anthrax survived without Joey because he did not define who they were.

I don't know, with Morrison gone, The Doors will never be anything again. In fact, I predict that they'll open for Anthrax on their next tour.

I can see the tickets now..."Doors open at 7" :lol:
Originally posted by dutchy
can't stand that fuckin hammond organ in theire music.
Doors Closed!!
I was never a big fan of the Doors myself. They always reminded me of those old Spiderman cartoons with the cheesey repetetive animation. Whenever Peter Parker was in a club, it always sounded like The Doors in the background. :lol:
ANTHRAX WITHOUT JOEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All of us are hardcore anthrax fans so we know better. How many people outside of this circle always mistake Scott as the lead singer being that he is the one evryone recognizes.