o/t jaws fans

its a joke

at least i am pretty sure it is, gotta be an idiot to try and remake that movie only 30 years after release...... but its a bloody good fake anyway, someones taken a lot of time and effort with it thats fer sure, some of thse shots cant have easy to set up, unless they ripped em from somewhere

everything looks legit, until the quote " the legand is reborn" who the hell spells legend , legand? no one surely, not even kids........

but i still checked ;) and yeah, cant find anything on www.imdb.com about a jaws remake or anything under james cameron, those guys are so way ahead of anything in the movies, it would defo be on there too

anyhoo, good fake, the end shot cracked me up,... hilarious
thinking about it, the guy that made that has gotta be super pissed off to have spent all that time doing a fake .....and ruining it with with the crappy words bit.....what a legand
lokey said:
thinking about it, the guy that made that has gotta be super pissed off to have spent all that time doing a fake .....and ruining it with with the crappy words bit.....what a legand
you need to be a fool if you think that this is a joke! no one can create a trailer like this on his own. and no one would use James Cameron's name for a fake-trailer. where would he have that material from? just because legend is written "legand" doesn't make it a fake. i believe legend is spelled "legand" on purpose. do you also think that an orchestra was instructed for a fake-clip? this is a new version of the original-Jaws-theme.
2 things that makeme me think its fake, 1. i SWEAR some of those shots i are are from the perfect storm. 2. Universal Owns jaws, why the fuck would they sell it off to Warner Brothers??? And I remember hearing Steven Speilberg say " the film would not be remade in my life time",
Hope it's a fake!

Yeh I'm sure some of those shots were from perfect storm.

But if it is a remake then why is the shark the size of an aircraft carrier?

I was looking on the tinterweb the other day for news on Indiana Jones 4, any way found an new interview with Speilyberger.

He mentioned Jaws and he said he would remake it, or re release it with new effects, but not any time soon. So I dont think it's real.
But it's a bloody good fake, almost as good as this version.......


Jaws rules, only a few shots would need new effects any way.

Quote: Steven Spielberg recently gave an interview in which he talked about the rumored Jaws remake. "Jaws isn't solidified in gold or anything,” the director said, “and there was plans what seemed like years ago to re-release it with renewed special effects following the success of Jurassic Park.” On whether or not he would like to be involved, Spielberg said, “It's something I wouldn't instantly discount - Hitchcock remade his own film with The Man Who Wasn't There and ended up, in my opinion, making a superior film the second time round.”
It's fake....

Besides, for a movie coming out in over a year, they have a hell of a lot of footage already shot and post-produced!

Usually trailers for movies coming out that far ahead in time, the trailers are super minimalist coz they don't have much ready (although it works for dramatic tension as well)