O/T.....Maximinus Thrax


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus
(c. 173–238), also known as Maximinus Thrax Maximinus Thrax (235-238 A.D.)”

From N.S. Gill,
Your Guide to Ancient / Classical History.
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Definition: Maximinus Thrax was a Roman soldier-emperor who spent his reign on campaign. Maximinus was a commoner born in Thrace about 173. With the support of his troops, Maximinus became emperor by revolting against Severus Alexander. He was emperor from 235-238. Members of a Roman legion killed Maximinus and his son Maximus

I have quite a few pics of the show but I need to get them developed still. I am carless at the moment because my jalopy decided to take a crap a few days ago and is still in the shop. I will post the pics and a proper review when I can get to the store and develop my film. Rob, Gary and Paul were beyond cool and I got to hang out with Paul at the bar for quite awhile after the show. That was the highlight of the show for me because Paul has been one of my favorite drummers for quite awhile. The hangover that I had the next day was definitely the lowlight of that night:puke: but I would do it all over again if I could but maybe with a little less beer
Yeah, I am totally kidding:lol: .

The only thing I would have done differently is I would have called into my work sick and sat at the bar to get even more drunk:lol: :kickass::puke: .