O/T : Merry Christmas !


New Metal Member
Dec 12, 2005
Birmingham, UK
Thought I'd better say it now before next weeks rush lol

So merry christmas everyone, and happy new year - and I hope you all get what you want ! :)
Ahh, the Holidays. Such a wonderful time of year. The lights, the carrolers, the decorations, the sales, ooh! The sales! I love the sales!! Walking through the mall, and seeing signs with "half off" on them, and the shoppers fighting through crowds.

Speaking of shoppers, my favorite thing about the holidays ever is when I'm walking through the mall, and see bloodthirsty shoppers fighting for the last article of clothing, or cd, or anything else. Watching shoppers fight through crowds with swords and shields is one of my favorite activities. In the more crowded storses, it's like watching the War of Wrath. Seeing desperate customers fly by on fire breathing dragons, with crossbows, shields and their ready batallions, fighting for the glory of Valinor!! Wait. We are talking about the Silmarilion aren't we? ....... Wait. Thats right. The holidays.

Everybody have a Kickin' Pagan Day!!!!!
Ho Ho Ho,

Yeah, gotta love the holidays. It's the time of year I can hear Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Xmas music and drink up that "enhanced" egg nog (some Bacardi Limon is pretty tasty with it). Hehe, about the music, I always hear "Mars, the Bringer of War" in my head as I approach the malls.

Everyone have a Happy Chrismahanukkwanzakah and rockin' New Year. Let's look forward to some killer new music this coming year from Symphony X and others! Peace :grin:
I just started Christmas Break!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 days of band practices. YES!!!
Heh, my family is a bunch of slackers when it comes to Christmas. The transit strike didn't leave me with much time to go shopping, so I only got something for my mom, and she's working tomorrow :tickled: I'm getting stuff for everyone else later... after-Christmas sales can be really awesome. Even though I'm having such a half-assed Christmas this year, it doesn't mean that I can wish all of you guys a great day. Have fun and be safe.
If it makes you feel any better, i work in a guitar shop in the local mall, so i get to deal with all the idiots, all the people who think that XXXX dolars is too much to spend on a guitar, all the people who get pissed when you don't have the one thing that they are looking for, and all the rude assholes who deserve a beating.

That being said, I hope everyone enjoys their christmas or whatever other holiday you may celebrate. I certainly will enjoy mine the best I can.

Ive already gotten a few gifts, a bonus at work and a KFC bucket that one of my co-workers got me so I can do my buckethead impersonation......now if only I could play like him. :)
Whoop! Times almost up! Merry christmas (or whatever holiday) everyone! (I just had to get it out here before 12:00) I probably got the worst christmas here. It's not that it's bad, it's just REALLY boring and basically it's just another thanksgiving for me. (Don't want to have another on of THOSE episodes, sheesh...) The only thing I can depend on for christmas is getting a wonderful 6 string bass... which will instantly cure me of all mental illnessess and turn me into the most optimistic person that has ever walked the earth. Throughout the year it will slowly decline, then I'll be just bored again. then when christmas comes up again... yay! It's being optimistic all over again. Then the year will slowly begin to bore me and I will become tired. Then, christmas will be ba.... Wait a minute... didn't I already say that? DAMMIT! Quick someone save me the infamous deja vu monkey is beating me over the head with a fresca can!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! *passes out*
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Yep yep the holidays are here...Hope you all eat sum awsome turkey (unless you're weird and prefer ham lol) Drinking booze on Xmas with your loved ones is a requirement! Keep it safe and real peeps, may everyone recieve an insight on Symphony X's New Album!