O/T my Friend Died Today.......


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
My Friend Luke Langlois Died today.. A co-worker... i knew him for 12 years. Luke lost his battle with alcoholism.. I know a few things about it ....
He was 50 years old... Its a Suck Ass thing to happen...
Remember none one can help you only you can help yourself....

I have 6yrs 9 months 21 days Clean and Sober.........
IF you know someone with a problem....... Think about it.....
thraxx said:
My Friend Luke Langlois Died today.. A co-worker... i knew him for 12 years. Luke lost his battle with alcoholism.. I know a few things about it ....
He was 50 years old... Its a Suck Ass thing to happen...
Remember none one can help you only you can help yourself....

I have 6yrs 9 months 21 days Clean and Sober.........
IF you know someone with a problem....... Think about it.....

Sorry about your friend man..... Sucks to lose people to drugs and alchohol.. I have finally kicked the bad shit but I'll drink and 420 til I die..
Soory to hear about your friend man. That sucks. May he rest in piece. And way to go with your own personal battle. Keep up the great work. It seems like there are many great people in the Anthrax community that will lend a hand if you ebver need or want help. Keep it up.
Sometimes people in these situations are in our lives to show us that we decided to take the correct road. Very sorry for your loss and congrats on not being such a victim yourself.
ThraxEm...killer post.Thraxx...Sorry to hear about your loss. Your strength & commitment to staying clean is an awesome thing. Stay strong and ROCK ON...
Very sorry to hear about your friend. I've lost a few friends to addiction myself so I can kinda relate. Definitely not a quick and painless way to go either. :(
May he finally R.I.P.
My condolences. I'm at a loss. Sad but it makes me feel how lucky some of us are to have the strength to stop or cut back to a human level of consumption. Sorry man. Fifty just seams so young?
sorry to hear your sad news.i've been sober 3 years and 6 weeks myself. i recently spent a lot of time with a friend who had battled a lot of demons and finally seemed to get them under control and out of his life. he made it about a year but , when some fucked up shit happened in his life he said, well i can drink a little to help ease the pain. i took about 2 weeks till he was doing blow and anything else he could get his hands on. he is lost to me now as he has picked drugs and booze over his friends (again).it makes me angry to think of all the good times we had getting reaquinted in our sobriety and the stories we shared about it. it sucks when people loose the will to live and just slowly numb themselves to death with chemicals. usually you don't stop till you hit rock bottom and, you have to go there to fully realize how far down bottom actually is. then it's still not enough for a lot of abusers
yes very sad,some people just cant control there drink,i spose we all drink too much though,i am trying to just have light beer in the fridge at home and only drink super when i go out.
My condolences for your loss. Losing people you care about is never easy regardless of the cause. I know first hand how it feels, having lost many friends over the years to Muscular Dystrophy, which I have myself. Congrats on your sobriety and keep up the good fight.

