O/T: NBA season starts soon!! Lakers will win at least 72 games


This team has it all with or without Kobe. But we will be with Kobe soon enough, the prosecutors cries of "rape" looked pretty shady when they found three guys semen in her panties. Wonder why the other guys who aren't rich and famous aren't being tried for rape??????? Anyhow, with Karl Malone, Shaquille O'Neal, Bryon Russell, Gary Payton, and Kareem Rush on the starting line-up we are fine. Throw in an acquitted Kobe Bryant, and a healthy Rick Fox along with back ups Devean George, Derek Fisher, Horace Grant, and the son of Bill Walton, all coached by Phil Jackson - the Lakers are just going to overwhelm everyone. Sure, the Spurs are the defending champs, but O'Neal is pissed now. I do look for the T-Wolves to show dramatic improvement as well. Sacramento, their window is closing fast. Over in the East, well, it is still the East, so it doesn't matter.
Maybe she didn't say no to the other three guys?

Hockey season is go!
Detroit Red Wings currently on trial for raping women: 0
There are too many good teams in the west for the Lakers to win 72. There's Suckramento, Dallas, The T-Pups, San Antonio, Team Bong (Portland), Phoenix is decent, Houston should be better...

Sorry, Ty. Ain't gonna happen. :)

coop said:
I'm not saying they won't win the title, but 72 wins is out of the question.


I think they have the potential to win that many games, they are easily as talented as that Bulls team. But I see your point, they play to many good teams to many times to win 72. We'll see. The funny thing is, during the Lakers 3-peat, it was never the good teams that beat them in the reg. season, they always stooped down to the level of the competition and got beat by the cellar dwellers.
I am more concerned with the LA Kings than the Lakers. We blew 2 games in the 3rd period so far. Could be 5-0 not 3-2. Also the Lakers will make the playoffs etc. but I don't think they'll win 72.