O/T - Office Humor


Dec 6, 2005
I have a co worker who im good pals with that is moving to another location across town. He decided to stuff all his business cards all over my cube, sticking in the keyboard slots and even leaving a few in my spare shoes that i have here.

I just saw it and totally started cracking up laughing. I have enclosed other people's cubes with boxes of junk, or just taped a lot of empty carboard boxes together.

But alas...im going to get even. I decided to take all the business cards he gave me and staple them all together and tape them over his screens. :heh:
I took paper and stapled it all together so he cant get in his cube either. And i left my business card :)
At my last job we had a guy who was from the UK and went back home for the Xmas holiday to visit family. Upon his return he found his entire work cubicle including books, computer, chair, keyboard and anything else visible completely gift wrapped in xmas wrapping paper.

Was a hilarious view and even better was him having to unwrap everything :)
That is awesome. I like pranks that take some work but aren't messy. Something that is harmless fun. I mean if I really wanted to be obnoxious i could have removed all his power cords, then shut off his computer network ports and removed all the cabling too.
Sometimes when I get to work I have the feeling like someone who had a night shift might have put away all my stuff to have the desk clean for something, you know...might not be a prank, but...