O/T Office Space Movie

THIS IS MY COLLEGE ROOMMATES FAVORITE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell yeah, I thought it would suck, but I should have known I'd love it, my roommate and I have been hanging out since we were in diapers, so we think alike, that movie rules. He called me Friday with this message "Go see Jason x dude, out of 5 stars, I'd give it 8.5"
That movie kicks ass.
We watched it at work on my computer on X-mas. I work in a call center w/ cubicles. It's mandatory to watch that movie if you work where we work.
We always quote that movie and I'm so far the king of the Milton voice.
That movie ruled. I especially love the part where they take the printer out into the field, I fought an evil printer like that for three years and would have LOVED to do that. And that dude with the stapler is funny as hell. Hard to believe he's Jimmy James on Newsradio...
Did you know that movie came from a few cartoons called "Milton"?
Mike Judge made the cartoons (of course), and they were on Saturday Night Live a few times, back when Saturday Night Live was funny.
Originally posted by ThraxDude
Did you know that movie came from a few cartoons called "Milton"?
Mike Judge made the cartoons (of course), and they were on Saturday Night Live a few times, back when Saturday Night Live was funny.

Actually, the cartoon WAS called Office Space, at least one of the times.