O/T: Pet owners


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Hey fellas I know a lot of us here have animals and this is a very important cause to me, if I were in the NBA or NFL I would donate so many millions to help animals yet none of them do it. I hate that and find myself hating them for not doing it. Anyway I own two cats who I completely spoil rotten and we would love to hear about your furry family and how you spoil them, my kitties sprint through the house all day as metal blasts I think black metal is their fav lol! Cool link I found:


Be metal and treat animals good:kickass:
I have 2 cats and a mastiff/lab mix that are my life. Even the cats who are little assholes, they're my assholes and I'd be lost without them.

Dog's are metal - Caninus:

kittes are metal too:

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Very cool Johnnie! My boy cat is long-haired and he gets hair everywhere but I don't care, and I'm a neat freak. I just vacuum and dust more he's totally worth it, he kicks ass.

Lucky to have the shorthairs... doesn't matter anyway, the hair is everywhere, and especially on my trousers when I get them ready to dress for work...
Lucky to have the shorthairs... doesn't matter anyway, the hair is everywhere, and especially on my trousers when I get them ready to dress for work...
I had the worst thing happen, when my boy was a baby I was on my way to work and I thought I smelled cat pee, turns out he peed on my pants overnight and I had the embarrassment when I got to work! Yeah I got him fixed the very next week it's not a problem anymore lol
No pets here. just 4 kids.

If someone was actually home 24-7 I could justify a pet. But growing up with pets and having to be the one letting them out of the cage in the afternoons when I got home from school really put me off of pet ownership.

However the pets we did have were pretty interesting particularly some of the cats.

Marty Rude - a cat from the steel mill who felt dog food was better than cat food, and also had a nasty attitude to boot :D
Sammy - my sister's cat...watched him smack the crap out of the weinerdog for trying to trap him in a corner. Cat popped him in the schnoz like Rocky :D
Molly - feral cat we domesticated along with her sister Maggie. Molly was just a fat blob who was lactose intolerant, insisted still on dairy products haha.

Awwww what a sweet cat, she's got the Steve Buscemi eyes! :lol: I absolutely love cats, and I've always had cats ever since I was a baby. Except now, 'cause I had to give my cat away (she's in a better place now - at a farm!), and I've been meaning to get a new one, but the ol' ball and chain wants...a...dog! I do like dogs too, I just don't want to have to look after one. I'll be most like having babies soon enough to fill that spot.
Awwww what a sweet cat, she's got the Steve Buscemi eyes! :lol: I absolutely love cats, and I've always had cats ever since I was a baby. Except now, 'cause I had to give my cat away (she's in a better place now - at a farm!), and I've been meaning to get a new one, but the ol' ball and chain wants...a...dog! I do like dogs too, I just don't want to have to look after one. I'll be most like having babies soon enough to fill that spot.
I love dogs too as well as all animals but the cats are easy, they have gravity feeders so I can leave for a week and they're fine other than a full litter box. Dogs have to be walked multiple times a day that just makes it hard to travel.
No pets here. just 4 kids.

If someone was actually home 24-7 I could justify a pet. But growing up with pets and having to be the one letting them out of the cage in the afternoons when I got home from school really put me off of pet ownership.

However the pets we did have were pretty interesting particularly some of the cats.

Marty Rude - a cat from the steel mill who felt dog food was better than cat food, and also had a nasty attitude to boot :D
Sammy - my sister's cat...watched him smack the crap out of the weinerdog for trying to trap him in a corner. Cat popped him in the schnoz like Rocky :D
Molly - feral cat we domesticated along with her sister Maggie. Molly was just a fat blob who was lactose intolerant, insisted still on dairy products haha.
Definitely Ian, animals require constant attention and they're not for everybody. All those previous cats sound cool as hell though! I want to start volunteering at a shelter but I get so heartbroken seeing all the animals that I can't, strange because I know that I'm helping them. I can't even go into pet stores that have kittens and puppies in those cubicles I just lose it. Ugh I just wish the whole world had an epiphony and made animals a priority, dreaming I know. I know I can just give mine the best lives ever and hope others do the same.
The video again in case anybody didn't watch it...watch it lol!


I didn't expect this thread to go this far thank you guys it's great to know there are great animal lovers here. I keep a can of cat food in my car at all times and I pull over and give it to homeless cats when I see them, I wish I could do more. I encourage all to do the same, it's cheap.