O/T: Philip Anselmo comments on the current music scene! (good stuff!!)


This is funny! I remember being at a show in Dayton in 2001 and Philip said something to the effect of "if you see someone next to you with a fucking Korn shirt, bust them in the fucking teeth!!!" Anyway, here is the quote:

from Blabbermouth.net

PANTERA/DOWN frontman Philip Anselmo on today's rock music:

“F.ck music today. I don't listen to that. When I listen to music I listen to stuff from 20, 30 years ago. You're not going to catch me listening to any modern bands today in my genre, the genre that I helped create. When you f.cking do PANTERA riffs and rap over the top of it and jump up and down, you're not going to impress me with that. I'm sorry, but you're not going to.

A band like CREED, to me, needs to be taken to f.cking court and sued over their blatant, pathetic @#%$ robbery of PEARL JAM.”
It certainly sounds like Mr. Anselmo is at his best these days, kinda like the lyrics from many of the songs from "The Great Southern Trend Kill", lyrics like the "The trend is over, the trend is dead, it's on sale at the fu#$ing dollar store!" Good ole Phil, I'll have to pick up that new Down this week for sure!

Yeah everyone gives them shit for that! I think it is funny, but hell Anthrax looked pretty goofy back in the 80's. No, they didn't have poofy hair, but the bullet belts were gay, and the jams were goofy. And man oh man, did they have bad hair. They are one of the few bands that look better now that they are older.
Originally posted by TD
Yeah everyone gives them shit for that! I think it is funny, but hell Anthrax looked pretty goofy back in the 80's. No, they didn't have poofy hair, but the bullet belts were gay, and the jams were goofy. And man oh man, did they have bad hair. They are one of the few bands that look better now that they are older.

I totally agree.
Of coures you do! TD said it! Nah, for real, anthrax were ugly son of a guns back in the day.........i think when they picked up John Bush they actually got some fashion sense...in fact, I seem to remember Frankie and Charlie in some fashion magazine back in 1993......
No I don't actually have that mag, but I remember Lonn Friend razzing them about it on his little segment of the Headbangers Ball. Scott "called in" and was telling Lonn about the recording of SoWN, and they started talking about the cover of "Cowboy Song," and Lonn then showed the world the ever fashionable Frankie and Charlie, I have it on tape somewhere......
Thank goodness that people like Phil are around to spit out the truth!! I'm glad Phil rips up Creed for taking the fame from pearl jam actually deserves. Creed thought back at what sold in the 90's and just did a heavier version of pearl jam!! The bastards!! Yup, Brat you know I dig pearl jam.