O/T: Rescue Me....

Yes. I've never missed an episode. I love everything about this show. Especially all the curve balls.

Before this season started, DirectTV was running this special "extra" thing on one of the PPV channels, but it was free. Did you catch it? I don't know if any other providers had this or not. It was funny as hell.
I was able to watch the entire series from the beginning on FX before this season started... the curve balls are the best... I knew Johnny would be another one to visit Tommy ......At the funeral everyone was there.....
Leary should have won the Emmy Keifer Sutherland won last night. Rescue Me IMO is possibly one of the greatest shows ever written in terms of the subject matter. In terms of how it sucks you in, bums you out, and then makes you laugh over the most fucked up things.
I love Rescue Me. The best show thats not on HBo or some other premium channel. Season Finale tonight! I always record it with my DVR so I can watch it commercial free!
Great show. I've seen all episodes from seasons 2 & 3 but only a couple from season 1 when he was boozing it up. I knew Shiela was gonna freak but ...what a freak!
i don't have cable any more. this is the one show i miss. i have the first 2 seasons on dvd. sounds like i'm missing a pretty good season. maybe it'll be out on dvd for christmas.